## ==================================================================
## Example 1. Data sampled from a GP model with a known covTS object
## ==================================================================
myCov <- covTS(inputs = c("Temp", "Humid"),
kernel = "k1Matern5_2",
dep = c(range = "input"),
value = c(range = 0.4))
## change coefficients (variances)
coef(myCov) <- c(0.5, 0.8, 2, 16)
d <- myCov@d; n <- 20
## design matrix
X <- matrix(runif(n*d), nrow = n, ncol = d)
colnames(X) <- inputNames(myCov)
## generate the GP realization
myGp <- gp(formula = y ~ 1, data = data.frame(y = rep(0, n), X),
cov = myCov, estim = FALSE,
beta = 10, varNoise = 0.05)
y <- simulate(myGp, cond = FALSE)$sim
## parIni: add noise to true parameters
parCovIni <- coef(myCov)
parCovIni[] <- 0.9 * parCovIni[] + 0.1 * runif(length(parCovIni))
coefLower(myCov) <- rep(1e-2, 4)
coefUpper(myCov) <- c(5, 5, 20, 20)
est <- gp(y ~ 1, data = data.frame(y = y, X),
cov = myCov,
noise = TRUE,
varNoiseLower = 1e-2,
varNoiseIni = 1.0,
parCovIni = parCovIni)
## =======================================================================
## Example 2. Predicting an additive function with an additive GP model
## =======================================================================
if (FALSE) {
addfun6d <- function(x){
res <- x[1]^3 + cos(pi * x[2]) + abs(x[3]) * sin(x[3]^2) +
3 * x[4]^3 + 3 * cos(pi * x[5]) + 3 * abs(x[6]) * sin(x[6]^2)
## 'Fit' is for the learning set, 'Val' for the validation set
nFit <- 50
nVal <- 200
d <- 6
inputs <- paste("x", 1L:d, sep = "")
## create design matrices with DiceDesign package
dataFitIni <- DiceDesign::lhsDesign(nFit, d)$design
dataValIni <- DiceDesign::lhsDesign(nVal, d)$design
dataFit <- DiceDesign::maximinSA_LHS(dataFitIni)$design
dataVal <- DiceDesign::maximinSA_LHS(dataValIni)$design
colnames(dataFit) <- colnames(dataVal) <- inputs
testfun <- addfun6d
dataFit <- data.frame(dataFit, y = apply(dataFit, 1, testfun))
dataVal <- data.frame(dataVal, y = apply(dataVal, 1, testfun))
## Creation of "CovTS" object with one range by input
myCov <- covTS(inputs = inputs, d = d, kernel = "k1Matern3_2",
dep = c(range = "input"))
## Creation of a gp object
fitgp <- gp(formula = y ~ 1, data = dataFit,
cov = myCov, noise = TRUE,
parCovIni = rep(1, 2*d),
parCovLower = c(rep(1e-4, 2*d)),
parCovUpper = c(rep(5, d), rep(10,d)))
predTS <- predict(fitgp, newdata = as.matrix(dataVal[ , inputs]), type = "UK")$mean
## Classical tensor product kernel as a reference for comparison
fitRef <- DiceKriging::km(formula = ~1,
design = dataFit[ , inputs],
response = dataFit$y, covtype="matern3_2")
predRef <- predict(fitRef,
newdata = as.matrix(dataVal[ , inputs]),
type = "UK")$mean
## Compare TS and Ref
RMSE <- data.frame(TS = sqrt(mean((dataVal$y - predTS)^2)),
Ref = sqrt(mean((dataVal$y - predRef)^2)),
row.names = "RMSE")
Comp <- data.frame(y = dataVal$y, predTS, predRef)
plot(predRef ~ y, data = Comp, col = "black", pch = 4,
xlab = "True", ylab = "Predicted",
main = paste("Prediction on a validation set (nFit = ",
nFit, ", nVal = ", nVal, ").", sep = ""))
points(predTS ~ y, data = Comp, col = "red", pch = 20)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "blue", lty = "dotted")
legend("bottomright", pch = c(4, 20), col = c("black", "red"),
legend = c("Ref", "Tensor Sum"))
## Example 3: a 'covMan' kernel with 3 implementations
d <- 4
## -- Define a 4-dimensional covariance structure with a kernel in R
myGaussFunR <- function(x1, x2, par) {
h <- (x1 - x2) / par[1]
SS2 <- sum(h^2)
d2 <- exp(-SS2)
kern <- par[2] * d2
d1 <- 2 * kern * SS2 / par[1]
attr(kern, "gradient") <- c(theta = d1, sigma2 = d2)
myGaussR <- covMan(kernel = myGaussFunR,
hasGrad = TRUE,
d = d,
parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
label = "Gaussian kernel: R implementation")
## -- The same, still in R, but with a kernel admitting matrices as arguments
myGaussFunRVec <- function(x1, x2, par) {
# x1, x2 : matrices with same number of columns 'd' (dimension)
n <- nrow(x1)
d <- ncol(x1)
SS2 <- 0
for (j in 1:d){
Aj <- outer(x1[ , j], x2[ , j], "-")
Hj2 <- (Aj / par[1])^2
SS2 <- SS2 + Hj2
D2 <- exp(-SS2)
kern <- par[2] * D2
D1 <- 2 * kern * SS2 / par[1]
attr(kern, "gradient") <- list(theta = D1, sigma2 = D2)
myGaussRVec <- covMan(
kernel = myGaussFunRVec,
hasGrad = TRUE,
acceptMatrix = TRUE,
d = d,
parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
label = "Gaussian kernel: vectorised R implementation"
## -- The same, with inlined C code
## (see also another example with Rcpp by typing: ?kergp).
if (require(inline)) {
kernCode <- "
SEXP kern, dkern;
int nprotect = 0, d;
double SS2 = 0.0, d2, z, *rkern, *rdkern;
d = LENGTH(x1);
PROTECT(kern = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); nprotect++;
PROTECT(dkern = allocVector(REALSXP, 2)); nprotect++;
rkern = REAL(kern);
rdkern = REAL(dkern);
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
z = ( REAL(x1)[i] - REAL(x2)[i] ) / REAL(par)[0];
SS2 += z * z;
d2 = exp(-SS2);
rkern[0] = REAL(par)[1] * d2;
rdkern[1] = d2;
rdkern[0] = 2 * rkern[0] * SS2 / REAL(par)[0];
SET_ATTR(kern, install(\"gradient\"), dkern);
return kern;
myGaussFunC <- cfunction(sig = signature(x1 = "numeric", x2 = "numeric",
par = "numeric"),
body = kernCode)
myGaussC <- covMan(kernel = myGaussFunC,
hasGrad = TRUE,
d = d,
parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
label = "Gaussian kernel: C/inline implementation")
## == Simulate data for covMan and trend ==
n <- 100; p <- d + 1
X <- matrix(runif(n * d), nrow = n)
colnames(X) <- inputNames(myGaussRVec)
design <- data.frame(X)
coef(myGaussRVec) <- myPar <- c(theta = 0.5, sigma2 = 2)
myGp <- gp(formula = y ~ 1, data = data.frame(y = rep(0, n), design),
cov = myGaussRVec, estim = FALSE,
beta = 0, varNoise = 1e-8)
y <- simulate(myGp, cond = FALSE)$sim
F <- matrix(runif(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- (1:p) / p
y <- tcrossprod(F, t(beta)) + y
## == ML estimation. ==
tRVec <- system.time(
resRVec <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
cov = myGaussRVec,
compGrad = TRUE,
parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))
pRVec <- predict(resRVec, newdata = design, type = "UK")
tAll <- tRVec
coefAll <- coef(resRVec)
## compare time required by the 3 implementations
if (FALSE) {
tR <- system.time(
resR <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
cov = myGaussR,
compGrad = TRUE,
parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))
tAll <- rbind(tRVec = tAll, tR)
coefAll <- rbind(coefAll, coef(resR))
if (require(inline)) {
tC <- system.time(
resC <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
cov = myGaussC,
compGrad = TRUE,
parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))
tAll <- rbind(tAll, tC)
coefAll <- rbind(coefAll, coef(resC))
## rows must be identical
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