## Example. A 4-dimensional "covMan" kernel
d <- 4
myCovMan <-
kernel = function(x1, x2, par) {
htilde <- (x1 - x2) / par[1]
SS2 <- sum(htilde^2)
d2 <- exp(-SS2)
kern <- par[2] * d2
d1 <- 2 * kern * SS2 / par[1]
attr(kern, "gradient") <- c(theta = d1, sigma2 = d2)
label = "myGauss",
hasGrad = TRUE,
d = 4,
parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
parUpper = c(theta = +Inf, sigma2 = +Inf),
parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
par = c(NA, NA)
kernCode <- "
SEXP kern, dkern;
int nprotect = 0, d;
double SS2 = 0.0, d2, z, *rkern, *rdkern;
d = LENGTH(x1);
PROTECT(kern = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); nprotect++;
PROTECT(dkern = allocVector(REALSXP, 2)); nprotect++;
rkern = REAL(kern);
rdkern = REAL(dkern);
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
z = ( REAL(x1)[i] - REAL(x2)[i] ) / REAL(par)[0];
SS2 += z * z;
d2 = exp(-SS2);
rkern[0] = REAL(par)[1] * d2;
rdkern[1] = d2;
rdkern[0] = 2 * rkern[0] * SS2 / REAL(par)[0];
SET_ATTR(kern, install(\"gradient\"), dkern);
return kern;
## inline the C function into an R function: MUCH MORE EFFICIENT!!!
if (FALSE) {
kernC <- cfunction(sig = signature(x1 = "numeric", x2 = "numeric",
par = "numeric"),
body = kernCode)
myCovMan <- covMan(kernel = kernC, hasGrad = TRUE, label = "myGauss", d = 4,
parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
parLower = c("theta" = 0.0, "sigma2" = 0.0),
parUpper = c("theta" = Inf, "sigma2" = Inf))
## Example (continued). Simulate data for covMan and trend
n <- 100;
X <- matrix(runif(n * d), nrow = n)
colnames(X) <- inputNames(myCovMan)
coef(myCovMan) <- myPar <- c(theta = 0.5, sigma2 = 2)
C <- covMat(object = myCovMan, X = X,
compGrad = FALSE, index = 1L)
y <- mvrnorm(mu = rep(0, n), Sigma = C)
p <- rpois(1, lambda = 4)
if (p > 0) {
F <- matrix(runif(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- rnorm(p)
y <- F %*% beta + y
} else F <- NULL
par <- parCovIni <- c("theta" = 0.6, "sigma2" = 4)
## Example (continued). ML estimation. Note the 'partrack' argument
est <- mle(object = myCovMan,
parCovIni = parCovIni,
y = y, X = X, F = F,
parCovLower = c(0.05, 0.05), parCovUpper = c(10, 100),
parTrack = TRUE, noise = FALSE, checkNames = FALSE)
## change the (constrained) optimization method
if (FALSE) {
est1 <- mle(object = myCovMan,
parCovIni = parCovIni,
optimFun = "stats::optim",
optimMethod = "L-BFGS-B",
y = y, X = X, F = F,
parCovLower = c(0.05, 0.05), parCovUpper = c(10, 100),
parTrack = TRUE, noise = FALSE, checkNames = FALSE)
## Example (continued). Grid for graphical analysis
if (FALSE) {
theta.grid <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.7, by = 0.2)
sigma2.grid <- seq(from = 0.3, to = 6, by = 0.4)
par.grid <- expand.grid(theta = theta.grid, sigma2 = sigma2.grid)
ll <- apply(as.matrix(par.grid), 1, est$logLikFun)
llmat <- matrix(ll, nrow = length(theta.grid),
ncol = length(sigma2.grid))
## Example (continued). Explore the surface ?
if (FALSE) {
persp3d(x = theta.grid, y = sigma2.grid, z = ll,
xlab = "theta", ylab = "sigma2", zlab = "logLik",
col = "SpringGreen3", alpha = 0.6)
## Example (continued). Draw a contour plot for the log-lik
## and show iterates
if (FALSE) {
contour(x = theta.grid, y = sigma2.grid, z = llmat,
col = "SpringGreen3", xlab = "theta", ylab = "sigma2",
main = "log-likelihood contours and iterates",
xlim = range(theta.grid, est$parTracked[ , 1], na.rm = TRUE),
ylim = range(sigma2.grid, est$parTracked[ , 2], na.rm = TRUE))
abline(v = est$coef.kernel[1], h = est$coef.kernel[2], lty = "dotted")
niter <- nrow(est$parTracked)
points(est$parTracked[1:niter-1, ],
col = "orangered", bg = "yellow", pch = 21, lwd = 2, type = "o")
points(est$parTracked[niter, , drop = FALSE],
col = "blue", bg = "blue", pch = 21, lwd = 2, type = "o", cex = 1.5)
ann <- seq(from = 1, to = niter, by = 5)
text(x = est$parTracked[ann, 1], y = est$parTracked[ann, 2],
labels = ann - 1L, pos = 4, cex = 0.8, col = "orangered")
points(x = myPar["theta"], y = myPar["sigma2"],
bg = "Chartreuse3", col = "ForestGreen",
pch = 22, lwd = 2, cex = 1.4)
legend("topright", legend = c("optim", "optim (last)", "true"),
pch = c(21, 21, 22), lwd = c(2, 2, 2), lty = c(1, 1, NA),
col = c("orangered", "blue", "ForestGreen"), = c("yellow", "blue", "Chartreuse3"))
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