# use 2 sample peds
pedAll <- with(sample.ped, pedigree(id, father, mother, sex,
affected=cbind(affected, avail), famid=ped))
## check them giving separate ped ids
fcheck.sep <- with(sample.ped, familycheck(ped, id, father, mother))
## check assigning them same ped id
fcheck.combined <- with(sample.ped, familycheck(rep(1,nrow(sample.ped)), id, father, mother))
#make person 120's father be her son.
sample.ped[20,3] <- 131
fcheck1.bad <- try({with(sample.ped, familycheck(ped, id, father, mother))}, silent=FALSE)
## fcheck1.bad is a try-error
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