# Compute an Eight Directions Arranged Map for a random sample
# of the iris data.
iris.sample <- sample(150, 42)
irisEDAM <- EDAM(iris[iris.sample, 1:4], classes = iris[iris.sample, 5],
standardize = TRUE, iter.max = 3)
plot(irisEDAM, vertices = FALSE)
legend(3, 5, col = rainbow(3), legend = levels(iris[,5]), pch = 16)
# Construct clusters within the phases of the german business data
# and visualize the centroids by EDAM.
phasemat <- lapply(1:4, function(x) B3[B3[,1] == x, 2:14])
subclasses <- lapply(phasemat,
function(x) cutree(hclust(dist(x)), k = round(nrow(x) / 4.47)))
centroids <- lapply(1:4,
function(y) apply(phasemat[[y]], 2,
function(x) by(x, subclasses[[y]], mean)))
centmat <- matrix(unlist(sapply(centroids, t)), ncol = 13,
byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(centroids[[1]])))
centclasses <- unlist(lapply(1:4,
function(x) rep(x, unlist(lapply(centroids, nrow))[x])))
B3EDAM <- EDAM(centmat, classes = centclasses, standardize = TRUE,
iter.max = 6, rand = FALSE)
plot(B3EDAM, standardize = TRUE)
opar <- par(xpd = NA)
legend(4, 5.1, col = rainbow(4), pch = 16, xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0,
ncol = 2, legend = c("upswing", "upper turning point",
"downswing", "lower turning point"))
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