to do additional jobs beside
the R code in chunks. This package provides a few useful
hooks, which can also serve as examples of how to define
chunk hooks in hook_rgl(before, options, envir)hook_pdfcrop(before, options, envir)
hook_plot_custom(before, options, envir)
can be set as a hook in
(graphical device), plots can be save to different
formats (postscript
: eps; pdf
pdf; other devices correspond to the default PNG
format). The plot window will be adjusted according to
chunk options fig.width
and fig.height
Filenames are derived from chunk labels and the
option. The function hook_pdfcrop
can use the program
to set appropriate margins.
Note Sys.which('pdfcrop')
to check it; if it not empty,
you are able to use it). Similarly, when the plot format
is not PDF (e.g. PNG), the program
When the plots are not recordable via
and we save the plots
to files manually via other functions (e.g. hook_plot_custom
to help write code for graphics output into the output
knit_hooks$set(rgl = hook_rgl)
## then in code chunks, use the option rgl=TRUE
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