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knitr (version 1.10.5)

write_bib: Generate BibTeX bibliography databases for R packages


This function uses citation and toBibtex to create bib entries for R packages and write them in a file. Only the auto-generated citations are included for a package. This function can facilitate the auto-generation of bibliography databases for R packages, and it is easy to regenerate all the citations after updating R packages.


write_bib(x = .packages(), file = "", tweak = TRUE, 
    prefix = getOption("knitr.bib.prefix", "R-"))


package names (packages which are not installed are ignored)
the (.bib) file to write (by default writes to the R console; ignored if it is NULL)
whether to fix some known problems in the citations, especially non-standard format of authors
a prefix string for keys in BibTeX entries; by default, it is R- unless option('knitr.bib.prefix') has been set to another string


  • a list containing the citations (also written to the file as a side effect)


The citation is forced to be generated from the DESCRIPTION file of the package. The keyword R-pkgname is used for the bib item, where pkgname is the name of the package.


Run this code
write_bib(c("RGtk2", "gWidgets"), file = "R-GUI-pkgs.bib")
write_bib(c("animation", "rgl", "knitr", "ggplot2"))
write_bib(c("base", "parallel", "MASS"))  # base and parallel are identical
write_bib("cluster", prefix = "")  # a empty prefix
write_bib("digest", prefix = "R-pkg-")  # a new prefix
write_bib(c("rpart", "survival"))
write_bib(c("rpart", "survival"), tweak = FALSE)  # original version

# what tweak=TRUE does

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab