If a code chunk has turned on the chunk option cache = TRUE
, a cache
database will be established after the document is compiled. You can use this
function to manually load the database anywhere in the document (even before
the code chunk). This makes it possible to use objects created later in the
document earlier, e.g. in an inline R expression before the cached code
chunk, which is normally not possible because knitr compiles the
document in a linear fashion, and objects created later cannot be used before
they are created.
load_cache(label, object, notfound = "NOT AVAILABLE",
path = opts_chunk$get("cache.path"), lazy = TRUE)
The chunk label of the code chunk that has a cache database.
The name of the object to be fetched from the database. If it is
missing, NULL
is returned).
A value to use when the object
cannot be found.
Path of the cache database (normally set in the global chunk
option cache.path
Whether to lazyLoad
the cache database (depending
on the chunk option cache.lazy = TRUE
of that code
Invisible NULL
when object
is not specified (the cache
database will be loaded as a side effect), otherwise the value of the
object if found.
See the example #114 at https://github.com/yihui/knitr-examples.