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knitr (version 1.20)

write_bib: Generate BibTeX bibliography databases for R packages


This function uses citation and toBibtex to create bib entries for R packages and write them in a file. Only the auto-generated citations are included for a package. This function can facilitate the auto-generation of bibliography databases for R packages, and it is easy to regenerate all the citations after updating R packages.


write_bib(x = .packages(), file = "", tweak = TRUE, width = NULL, 
    prefix = getOption("knitr.bib.prefix", "R-"))



Package names. Packages which are not installed are ignored.


The (.bib) file to write. By default, or if NULL, output is written to the R console.


Whether to fix some known problems in the citations, especially non-standard format of author names.


Width of lines in bibliography entries. If NULL, lines will not be wrapped.


Prefix string for keys in BibTeX entries; by default, it is R- unless option('knitr.bib.prefix') has been set to another string.


A list containing the citations. Citations are also written to the file as a side effect.


The citation is forced to be generated from the DESCRIPTION file of the package (citation(auto = TRUE)). The keyword R-pkgname is used for the bib item, where pkgname is the name of the package. All references specified in the CITATION file of the package are ignored. The main purpose of this function is to automate the generation of the package citation information because it often changes (e.g. author, year, package version, ...). By comparison, paper/book citations don't change too often, so it is not a lot of work even if you just cut and paste such bibliography entries from toBibtex(citation()).


Run this code
write_bib(c("RGtk2", "gWidgets"), file = "R-GUI-pkgs.bib")
write_bib(c("animation", "rgl", "knitr", "ggplot2"))
write_bib(c("base", "parallel", "MASS"))  # base and parallel are identical
write_bib("cluster", prefix = "")  # a empty prefix
write_bib("digest", prefix = "R-pkg-")  # a new prefix
write_bib("digest", tweak = FALSE)  # original version

# what tweak=TRUE does
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab