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kohonen (version 3.0.11)

supersom: Self- and super-organising maps


A supersom is an extension of self-organising maps (SOMs) to multiple data layers, possibly with different numbers and different types of variables (though equal numbers of objects). NAs are allowed. A weighted distance over all layers is calculated to determine the winning units during training. Functions som and xyf are simply wrappers for supersoms with one and two layers, respectively. Function nunits is a utility function returning the number of units in the map.


som(X, ...)
xyf(X, Y, ...)
supersom(data, grid=somgrid(), rlen = 100, alpha = c(0.05, 0.01),
         radius = quantile(nhbrdist, 2/3), 
         whatmap = NULL, user.weights = 1, maxNA.fraction = 0L,
         keep.data = TRUE, dist.fcts = NULL,
         mode = c("online", "batch", "pbatch"), cores = -1, init,
         normalizeDataLayers = TRUE)


An object of class "kohonen" with components


data matrix, only returned if keep.data == TRUE.


winning units for all data objects, only returned if keep.data == TRUE.


distances of objects to their corresponding winning unit, only returned if keep.data == TRUE.


the grid, an object of class somgrid.


a list of matrices containing codebook vectors.


matrix of mean average deviations from code vectors; every map corresponds with one column.


vector of row numbers with too many NA values (according to argument maxNA.fraction.

alpha, radius, user.weights, whatmap, maxNA.fraction

input arguments presented to the function.


if normalizeDataLayers weights to equalize the influence of the individual data layers, else a vector of ones.


distance functions corresponding to all layers of the data, not just the ones indicated by the whatmap argument.


X, Y

numerical data matrices, or factors. No data.frame objects are allowed - convert them to matrices first.


list of data matrices (numerical) of factors. If a vector is entered, it will be converted to a one-column matrix. No data.frame objectss are allowed.


a grid for the codebook vectors: see somgrid.


the number of times the complete data set will be presented to the network.


learning rate, a vector of two numbers indicating the amount of change. Default is to decline linearly from 0.05 to 0.01 over rlen updates. Not used for the batch algorithm.


the radius of the neighbourhood, either given as a single number or a vector (start, stop). If it is given as a single number the radius will change linearly from radius to zero; as soon as the neighbourhood gets smaller than one only the winning unit will be updated. Note that the default before version 3.0 was to run from radius to -radius. If nothing is supplied, the default is to start with a value that covers 2/3 of all unit-to-unit distances.


What data layers to use. If unspecified all layers are used.


the weights given to individual layers. This can be a single number (all layers have the same weight, the default), a vector of the same length as the whatmap argument, or a vector of the same length as the data argument. In xyf maps, this argument provides the same functionality as the now-deprecated xweight argument that was used prior to version 3.0.


the maximal fraction of values that may be NA to prevent the row to be removed.


if TRUE, return original data and mapping information. If FALSE, only return the trained map (in essence the codebook vectors).


vector of distance functions to be used for the individual data layers, of the same length as the data argument, or the same length of the whatmap argument. If the length of this vector is one, the same distance will be used for all layers. Admissable values currently are "sumofsquares", "euclidean", "manhattan", and "tanimoto". Default is to use "sumofsquares" for continuous data, and "tanimoto" for factors.


type of learning algorithm.


number of cores to use in the "pbatch" learning mode. The default, -1, corresponds to using all available cores.


list of matrices, initial values for the codebook vectors. The list should have the same length as the data list, and corresponding numbers of variables (columns). Each list element should have a number of rows corresponding to the number of units in the map.


boolean, indicating whether distance.weights should be calculated (see details section). If normalizeDataLayers == FALSE the user weights are applied to the data immediately.


an object of class kohonen.


Further arguments for the supersom function presented to the som or xyf wrappers.


Ron Wehrens and Johannes Kruisselbrink


In order to avoid some layers to overwhelm others, simply because of the scale of the data points, the supersom function by default applies internal weights to balance this. The user.weights argument is applied on top of that: the result is that when a user specifies equal weights for all layers (the default), all layers contribute equally to the global distance measure. For large data sets (defined as containing more than 500 records), a sample of size 500 is used to calculate the mean distances in each data layer. If normalizeDataLayers == FALSE the user weights are applied directly to the data (distance.weights are set to 1).

Various definitions of the Tanimoto distance exist in the literature. The implementation here returns (for two binary vectors of length n) the fraction of cases in which the two vectors disagree. This is basically the Hamming distance divided by n - the incorrect naming is retained (for the moment) to guarantee backwards compatibility. If the vectors are not binary, they will be converted to binary strings (with 0.5 as the class boundary). This measure should not be used when variables are outside the range [0-1]; a check is done to make sure this is the case.


R. Wehrens and L.M.C. Buydens, J. Stat. Softw. 21 (5), 2007; R. Wehrens and J. Kruisselbrink, submitted, 2017.

See Also

somgrid, plot.kohonen, predict.kohonen, map.kohonen


Run this code

## som
som.wines <- som(scale(wines), grid = somgrid(5, 5, "hexagonal"))

## xyf
xyf.wines <- xyf(scale(wines), vintages, grid = somgrid(5, 5, "hexagonal"))

## supersom example
yeast.supersom <- supersom(yeast, somgrid(6, 6, "hexagonal"),
                           whatmap = c("alpha", "cdc15", "cdc28", "elu"),
                           maxNA.fraction = .5)

plot(yeast.supersom, "changes")

obj.classes <- as.integer(yeast$class)
colors <- c("yellow", "green", "blue", "red", "orange")
plot(yeast.supersom, type = "mapping", col = colors[obj.classes],
     pch = obj.classes, main = "yeast data")

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