## a simple example with estimated nugget
if(require("MASS")) {
## motorcycle data and predictive locations
X <- matrix(mcycle[,1], ncol=1)
Z <- mcycle[,2]
## get sensible ranges
d <- darg(NULL, X)
g <- garg(list(mle=TRUE), Z)
## initialize the model
gpi <- newGP(X, Z, d=d$start, g=g$start, dK=TRUE)
## separate marginal inference (not necessary - for illustration only)
print(mleGP(gpi, "d", d$min, d$max))
print(mleGP(gpi, "g", g$min, g$max))
## joint inference (could skip straight to here)
print(jmleGP(gpi, drange=c(d$min, d$max), grange=c(g$min, g$max)))
## plot the resulting predictive surface
N <- 100
XX <- matrix(seq(min(X), max(X), length=N), ncol=1)
p <- predGP(gpi, XX, lite=TRUE)
plot(X, Z, main="stationary GP fit to motorcycle data")
lines(XX, p$mean, lwd=2)
lines(XX, p$mean+1.96*sqrt(p$s2*p$df/(p$df-2)), col=2, lty=2)
lines(XX, p$mean-1.96*sqrt(p$s2*p$df/(p$df-2)), col=2, lty=2)
## clean up
## with a separable correlation function
## 2D Example: GoldPrice Function, mimicking GP_fit package
f <- function(x)
x1 <- 4*x[,1] - 2
x2 <- 4*x[,2] - 2;
t1 <- 1 + (x1 + x2 + 1)^2*(19 - 14*x1 + 3*x1^2 - 14*x2 + 6*x1*x2 + 3*x2^2);
t2 <- 30 + (2*x1 -3*x2)^2*(18 - 32*x1 + 12*x1^2 + 48*x2 - 36*x1*x2 + 27*x2^2);
y <- t1*t2;
## build design
n <- 50 ## change to 100 or 1000 for more interesting demo
B <- rbind(c(0,1), c(0,1))
X <- dopt.gp(n, Xcand=lhs(10*n, B))$XX
## this differs from GP_fit in that we use the log response
Y <- log(f(X))
## get sensible ranges
d <- darg(NULL, X)
g <- garg(list(mle=TRUE), Y)
## build GP and jointly optimize via profile mehtods
gpisep <- newGPsep(X, Y, d=rep(d$start, 2), g=g$start, dK=TRUE)
jmleGPsep(gpisep, drange=c(d$min, d$max), grange=c(g$min, g$max))
## clean up
## alternatively, we can optimize via a combined gradient
gpisep <- newGPsep(X, Y, d=rep(d$start, 2), g=g$start, dK=TRUE)
mleGPsep(gpisep, param="both", tmin=c(d$min, g$min), tmax=c(d$max, g$max))
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