## 1. visualization of the randomly generated paths
## generate the paths
D <- 4
a <- c(-2, 2)
N <- 30
smin <- 0.1
res <- 100
line.set <- randLine(a=a, D=D, N=N, smin=smin, res=res)
## the indices of the randomly selected pair of input coordinates
d <- line.set$d
## visualization
## first create an empty plot
par(mar=c(5, 4, 6, 2) + 0.1)
plot(0, xlim=a, ylim=a, type="l", xlab=paste("factor ", d[1], sep=""),
ylab=paste("factor ", d[2], sep=""), main="2d random paths",
cex.lab=1.5, cex.main=2)
abline(h=(a[1]+a[2])/2, v=(a[1]+a[2])/2, lty=2)
## merge each path type together
W <- unlist(list(line.set$lin, line.set$qua, line.set$cub, line.set$ep, line.set$ln),
## calculate colors to retain
n <- unlist(lapply(line.set, length)[-6])
cols <- rep(c("orange", "blue", "forestgreen", "magenta", "cornflowerblue"), n)
## plot randomly generated paths with a centering dot in red at the midway point
for(i in 1:N){
lines(W[[i]][,1], W[[i]][,2], col=cols[i])
points(W[[i]][res/2,1], W[[i]][res/2,2], col=2, pch=20)
## add legend
legend("top", legend=c("lin", "qua", "cub", "exp", "log"), cex=1.5, bty="n",
xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, inset=c(0, -0.085), lty=rep(1, 5), lwd=rep(1, 5),
col=c("orange", "blue", "forestgreen", "magenta", "cornflowerblue"))
## 2. use the random paths for out-of-sample prediction via laGPsep
## test function (same 2d function as in other examples package)
## (ignoring 4d nature of path generation above)
f2d <- function(x, y=NULL){
if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=2)
y <- x[,2]; x <- x[,1]
g <- function(z)
return(exp(-(z-1)^2) + exp(-0.8*(z+1)^2) - 0.05*sin(8*(z+0.1)))
z <- -g(x)*g(y)
## generate training data using 2d input space
x <- seq(a[1], a[2], by=0.02)
X <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x, x))
Y <- f2d(X)
## example of joint path calculation folowed by RMSE calculation
## on the first random path
WW <- W[[sample(1:N, 1)]]
WY <- f2d(WW)
## exhaustive search via ``joint" ALC
j.exh <- laGPsep(WW, 6, 100, X, Y, method="alcopt", close=10000, lite=FALSE)
sqrt(mean((WY - j.exh$mean)^2)) ## RMSE
## repeat for all thirty path elements (way too slow for checking) and other
## local design choices and visualize RMSE distribution(s) side-by-side
if (FALSE) {
## pre-allocate to save RMSE
rmse.exh <- rmse.opt <- rmse.nn <- rmse.pw <- rmse.pwnn <- rep(NA, N)
for(t in 1:N){
WW <- W[[t]]
WY <- f2d(WW)
## joint local design exhaustive search via ALC
j.exh <- laGPsep(WW, 6, 100, X, Y, method="alc", close=10000, lite=FALSE)
rmse.exh[t] <- sqrt(mean((WY - j.exh$mean)^2))
## joint local design gradient-based search via ALC
j.opt <- laGPsep(WW, 6, 100, X, Y, method="alcopt", close=10000, lite=FALSE)
rmse.opt[t] <- sqrt(mean((WY - j.opt$mean)^2))
## joint local design exhaustive search via NN
j.nn <- laGPsep(WW, 6, 100, X, Y, method="nn", close=10000, lite=FALSE)
rmse.nn[t] <- sqrt(mean((WY - j.nn$mean)^2))
## pointwise local design via ALC
pw <- aGPsep(X, Y, WW, start=6, end=50, d=list(max=20), method="alc", verb=0)
rmse.pw[t] <- sqrt(mean((WY - pw$mean)^2))
## pointwise local design via NN
pw.nn <- aGPsep(X, Y, WW, start=6, end=50, d=list(max=20), method="nn", verb=0)
rmse.pwnn[t] <- sqrt(mean((WY - pw.nn$mean)^2))
## progress meter
## justify the y range
ylim_RMSE <- log(range(rmse.exh, rmse.opt, rmse.nn, rmse.pw, rmse.pwnn))
## plot the distribution of RMSE output
boxplot(log(rmse.exh), log(rmse.opt), log(rmse.nn), log(rmse.pw), log(rmse.pwnn),
xaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="log(RMSE)", ylim=ylim_RMSE, main="")
axis(1, at=1:5, labels=c("ALC-ex", "ALC-opt", "NN", "ALC-pw", "NN-pw"), las=1)
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