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{LaMa}: Latent Markov model likelihood evaluation in C++

A plethora of latent Markov models, including hidden Markov models (HMMs), hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs), state space models (SSMs) as well as continuous-time HMMs, continuous-time SSMs, and Markov-modulated marked Poisson processes (MMMPPs) can be formulated and estimated within the same framework via directly maximizing the (approximate) likelihood using the so-called forward algorithm (for details see Zucchini et al. 2016). While these models are immensely popular for conducting inference on time series driven by latent processes, due to their great flexibility, researchers using these models in applied work often need to build highly customized models for which standard software implementation is lacking, or the construction of such models in said software is as complicated as writing fully tailored R code. The latter provides great flexibility and control, but suffers from slow estimation speeds that make custom solutions inconvenient. This R package addresses the above issues in two ways. Standard blocks of code common to all these model classes, most importantly the forward algorithm, are implemented as simple-to-use functions. These can be added like Lego blocks to an otherwise fully custom likelihood function, making building fully custom models much easier. Moreover, under the hood, these functions are written in C++, allowing for 10-20 times faster evaluation time, and thus drastically speeding up estimation by numerical optimizers like nlm() or optim().

Current implementations of the forward algorithm are:

  • forward() for models with homogeneous transition probabilities,
  • forward_g() for general (pre-calculated) inhomogeneous transition probabilities (including continuous-time HMMs and points processes), and
  • forward_s() for fitting HSMMs.

The functions are built to be included in the negative log-likelihood function, after parameters have been transformed and the allprobs matrix (containing all state-dependent probabilities) has been calculated.

To serve as a powerful toolbox, this package also includes many auxiliary functions like

  • The tpm family with

    • tpm() for calculating a homogeneous transition probability matrix via the multinomial logistic link,
    • tpm_g() for calculating general inhomogeneous transition probabilty matrices,
    • tpm_p() for calculating transition matrices of periodically inhomogeneous HMMs,
    • tpm_cont() for calculating the transition probabilites of a continuous-time Markov chain,
    • tpm_hsmm() for calculating the transition matrix of an HSMM-approximating HMM,
  • the stationary family to compute stationary and periodically stationary distributions,

  • functions of the stateprobs family for local decoding and of the viterbi family for global decoding,

  • and trigBasisExp() for efficient computation of a trigonometric basis expansion.

Further functionalities will be added as needed. Have fun!

Package documentation

To aid in building fully custom likelihood functions, this package also contains several vignettes that show how to simulate data from and estimate a wide range of models:


To install and use the package, you need to have a functional C++ compiler. For details click here. Then you can use:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("janoleko/LaMa", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Feel free to use



help(package = "LaMa")

for detailed examples on how to use the package.

Example: Homogeneous HMM

Loading the package


Generating data from a 2-state HMM

Here we can use stationary() to compute the stationary distribution.

# parameters
mu = c(0, 6)
sigma = c(2, 4)
Gamma = matrix(c(0.95, 0.05, 0.15, 0.85), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary HMM

# simulation
n = 10000 # rather large
s = x = rep(NA, n)
s[1] = sample(1:2, 1, prob = delta)
x[1] = rnorm(1, mu[s[1]], sigma[s[1]])
for(t in 2:n){
  s[t] = sample(1:2, 1, prob = Gamma[s[t-1],])
  x[t] = rnorm(1, mu[s[t]], sigma[s[t]])

plot(x[1:200], bty = "n", pch = 20, ylab = "x", 
     col = c("orange","deepskyblue")[s[1:200]])

Writing the negative log-likelihood function

Here, we build the transition probability matrix using the tpm() function, compute the stationary distribution using stationary() and calculate the log-likelihood using forward() in the last line.

mllk = function(theta.star, x){
  # parameter transformations for unconstraint optimization
  Gamma = tpm(theta.star[1:2])
  delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary HMM
  mu = theta.star[3:4]
  sigma = exp(theta.star[5:6])
  # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
  allprobs = matrix(1, length(x), 2)
  for(j in 1:2){ allprobs[,j] = stats::dnorm(x, mu[j], sigma[j]) }
  # return negative for minimization
  -forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

Fitting an HMM to the data

theta.star = c(-1,-1,1,4,log(1),log(3)) 
# initial transformed parameters: not chosen too well
s = Sys.time()
mod = nlm(mllk, theta.star, x = x)
#> Time difference of 0.1056249 secs

Really fast for 10.000 data points!

Visualizing results

Again, we use tpm() and stationary() to tranform the unconstraint parameters to working parameters.

# transform parameters to working
Gamma = tpm(mod$estimate[1:2])
delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary HMM
mu = mod$estimate[3:4]
sigma = exp(mod$estimate[5:6])

hist(x, prob = TRUE, bor = "white", breaks = 40, main = "")
curve(delta[1]*dnorm(x, mu[1], sigma[1]), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "orange", n=500)
curve(delta[2]*dnorm(x, mu[2], sigma[2]), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "deepskyblue", n=500)
curve(delta[1]*dnorm(x, mu[1], sigma[1])+delta[2]*dnorm(x, mu[2], sigma[2]),
      add = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", n=500)
legend("topright", col = c("orange", "deepskyblue", "black"), lwd = 2, bty = "n",
       lty = c(1,1,2), legend = c("state 1", "state 2", "marginal"))

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Jan-Ole Koslik

Last Published

June 4th, 2024

Functions in LaMa (1.0.0)


Calculation of continuous time transition probabilities

Build all transition probability matrices of an periodic-HSMM-approximating HMM

Viterbi algorithm for decoding states

Compute the periodically stationary distribution of a periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain

Compute the stationary distribution of a homogeneous Markov chain

Viterbi algorithm for decoding states of inhomogeneous HMMs

Viterbi algorithm for decoding states of periodically inhomogeneous HMMs

Build the transition probability matrix of an HSMM-approximating HMM

Trigonometric Basis Expansion

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with periodically varying transition probability matrices

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for homogeneous HMMs

Calculate the index of the first observation of each track based on an ID variable

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with homogeneous transition probability matrix

Forward algorithm with (only) periodically varying transition probability matrix

LaMa: Fast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Markov Models

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for inhomogeneous HMMs

Forward algorithm with homogeneous transition probability matrix

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for periodically inhomogeneous HMMs

Build all transition probability matrices of a periodically inhomogeneous HMM

Compute the transition probability matrix of a thinned periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain.

General forward algorithm with time-varying transition probability matrix

Build all transition probability matrices of an inhomogeneous HMM

Build the transition probability matrix from unconstraint parameter vector