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lattice (version 0.11-8)

panel.cloud: Default Panel Function for cloud


These are default panel functions controlling cloud and wireframe displays.


panel.cloud(x, y, subscripts, z,
            groups = NULL,
            perspective = TRUE,
            distance = if (perspective) 0.2 else 0, 
            xlim, ylim, zlim,
            panel.3d.cloud = "panel.3dscatter",
            panel.3d.wireframe = "panel.3dwire",
            screen = list(z = 40, x = -60),
            R.mat = diag(4), aspect = c(1, 1),
            par.box = NULL,
            xlab, ylab, zlab,
            xlab.default, ylab.default, zlab.default,
            proportion = 0.6,
            wireframe = FALSE,
panel.3dscatter(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
                groups, type = 'p',
                xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled,
                col, col.point, col.line,
                lty, lwd, cex, pch,
                cross, ..., subscripts)
panel.3dwire(x, y, z, rot.mat = diag(4), distance,
             shade = FALSE,
             shade.colors.palette = trellis.par.get("shade.colors")$palette,
             light.source = c(0, 0, 1000),
             col = if (shade) "transparent" else "black",
             lty = 1, lwd = 1,
             col.groups = superpose.fill$col,
             polynum = 100,
             drape = FALSE,
             col.regions = regions$col,
             alpha.regions = regions$alpha)



These functions together are responsible for the content drawn inside each panel in cloud and wireframe. panel.wireframe is a wrapper to panel.cloud, which does the actual work.

panel.cloud is responsible for drawing the content that does not depend on the data, namely, the bounding box, the arrows/scales, etc. At some point, depending on whether wireframe is TRUE, it calls either panel.3d.wireframe or panel.3d.cloud, which draws the data-driven part of the plot.

The arguments accepted by these two functions are different, since they have essentially different purposes. For cloud, the data is unstructured, and x, y and z are all passed to the panel.3d.cloud function. For wireframe, on the other hand, x and y are increasing vectors with unique values, defining a rectangular grid. z must be a matrix with length(x) * length(y) rows, and as many columns as the number of groups.

panel.3dscatter is the default panel.3d.cloud function. It has a type argument similar to panel.xyplot, and supports grouped displays. It tries to honour depth ordering, i.e., points and lines closer to the camera are drawn later, overplotting more distant ones. (Of course there is no absolute ordering for line segments, so an ad hoc ordering is used. There is no hidden point removal.)

panel.3dwire is the default panel.3d.wireframe function. It calculates polygons corresponding to the facets one by one, but waits till it has collected information about polynum facets, and draws them all at once. This avoids the overhead of drawing grid.polygon repeatedly, speeding up the rendering considerably. If shade = TRUE, these attempt to color the surface as being illuminated from a light source at light.source. palette.shade is a simple function that provides the deafult shading colors

Multiple surfaces are drawn if groups is non-null in the call to wireframe, however, the algorithm is not sophisticated enough to render intersecting surfaces correctly.

See Also

cloud, utilities.3d