## Compare the climates of state capital cities
EastAuClimate[c("Hobart", "Melbourne", "Sydney", "Brisbane"),]
## A function to plot maps (a Lattice version of maps::map)
lmap <-
function(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE,
boundary = TRUE, interior = TRUE, projection = "",
parameters = NULL, orientation = NULL,
aspect = "iso", type = "l",
par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")),
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)
theMap <- map(database, regions, exact = exact,
boundary = boundary, interior = interior,
projection = projection, parameters = parameters,
orientation = orientation, plot = FALSE)
xyplot(y ~ x, theMap, type = type, aspect = aspect,
par.settings = par.settings, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
default.scales = list(draw = FALSE), ...)
## Plot the sites on a map of Australia
if (require("maps")) {
lmap(regions = c("Australia", "Australia:Tasmania"),
exact = TRUE, projection = "rectangular",
parameters = 150, xlim = c(130, 170),
panel = function(...) {
with(EastAuClimate, {
panel.points(Longitude, Latitude, pch = 16)
txt <- row.names(EastAuClimate)
i <- c(3, 4)
panel.text(Longitude[ i], Latitude[ i], txt[ i], pos = 2)
panel.text(Longitude[-i], Latitude[-i], txt[-i], pos = 4)
## Average daily maximum temperature in July (Winter).
xyplot(WinterMaxTemp ~ Latitude, EastAuClimate, aspect = "xy",
type = c("p", "a"), ylab = "Temperature (degrees C)")
## (Make a factor with levels in order - by coastal location)
siteNames <- factor(row.names(EastAuClimate),
levels = row.names(EastAuClimate))
## Plot temperature ranges (as bars), color-coded by RainDays
segplot(siteNames ~ WinterMinTemp + SummerMaxTemp, EastAuClimate,
level = RainDays, sub = "Color scale: number of rainy days per year",
xlab = "Temperature (degrees C)",
main = paste("Typical temperature range and wetness",
"of coastal Australian cities", sep = "\n"))
## Show Winter and Summer temperature ranges separately
segplot(Latitude ~ WinterMinTemp + SummerMaxTemp, EastAuClimate,
main = "Average daily temperature ranges \n of coastal Australian sites",
ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Temperature (degrees C)",
par.settings = simpleTheme(lwd = 3, alpha = 0.5),
key = list(text = list(c("July (Winter)", "February (Summer)")),
lines = list(col = c("blue", "red"))),
panel = function(x, y, z, ..., col) {
with(EastAuClimate, {
panel.segplot(WinterMinTemp, WinterMaxTemp, z, ..., col = "blue")
panel.segplot(SummerMinTemp, SummerMaxTemp, z, ..., col = "red")
## Northern sites have Summer-dominated rainfall;
## Southern sites have Winter-dominated rainfall.
xyplot(SummerRain + WinterRain ~ Latitude, EastAuClimate,
type = c("p", "a"), auto.key = list(lines = TRUE),
ylab = "Rainfall (mm / month)")
## Clear days are most frequent in the mid latitudes.
xyplot(RainDays + CloudyDays + ClearDays ~ Latitude, EastAuClimate,
type = c("p", "a"), auto.key = list(lines = TRUE),
ylab = "Days per year")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab