foo <- xyplot(ozone ~ wind, environmental)
## overlay reference lines
foo <- foo + layer(panel.abline(h = 0)) +
layer(panel.lmline(x, y, lty = 2))
## underlay a flat color
foo <- foo + layer(panel.fill(grey(.95)), under = TRUE)
## layers can access the panel function arguments
foo <- foo + layer({ ok <- (y>100);
panel.text(x[ok], y[ok], y[ok], pos = 1) })
## over-ride arguments by name
foo <- foo +
layer(panel.xyplot(y = ave(y, x, FUN = max), type = "a", ...))
## see a sketch of the complete panel function
## group layers, drawn for each group in each panel
dotplot(VADeaths, type = "o") +
glayer(ltext(x[5], y[5], group.value, srt = 40))
## a quick way to print out the panel.groups arguments:
dotplot(VADeaths, type = "o") + glayer(str(list(...)))
## layers with superposed styles
xyplot(ozone ~ wind | equal.count(temperature, 2),
data = environmental) +
layer(panel.loess(x, y, span = 0.5), style = 1) +
layer(panel.loess(x, y, span = 1.0), style = 2) +
layer(panel.key(c("span = 0.5", "span = 1.0"), corner = c(1,.98),
lines = TRUE, points = FALSE), packets = 1)
## note that styles come from the settings in effect in the plot,
## which is not always what you want:
xyplot(1:10 ~ 1:10, type = "b", par.settings = simpleTheme(col = "red")) +
layer(panel.lines(x = jitter(x, 2), ...)) + ## drawn in red
layer(panel.lines(x = jitter(x, 2), ...), force = TRUE) ## reset theme
## using other variables from the original `data` object
## NOTE: need subscripts = TRUE in original call!
zoip <- xyplot(wind ~ temperature | equal.count(radiation, 2),
data = environmental, subscripts = TRUE)
zoip + layer(panel.points(..., pch = 19,
col = grey(1 - ozone[subscripts] / max(ozone))),
data = environmental)
## restrict drawing to specified panels
barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
groups = year, layout = c(1,6), as.table = TRUE,
scales = list(x = list(rot = 45))) +
layer(ltext(tapply(y, x, max), lab = abbreviate(levels(x)),
pos = 3), rows = 1)
## example of a new data source
qua <- xyplot(lat ~ long | cut(depth, 2), quakes,
aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2)
## add layer showing distance from Auckland
newdat <- with(quakes, expand.grid(
gridlat = seq(min(lat), max(lat), length = 60),
gridlon = seq(min(long), max(long), length = 60)))
newdat$dist <- with(newdat, sqrt((gridlat - -36.87)^2 +
(gridlon - 174.75)^2))
qua + layer_(panel.contourplot(x = gridlon, y = gridlat, z = dist,
contour = TRUE, subscripts = TRUE), data = newdat)
# }
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