x <- t(as.matrix(scale(mtcars)))
dd.row <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(x)))
row.ord <- order.dendrogram(dd.row)
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x))))
col.ord <- order.dendrogram(dd.col)
levelplot(x[row.ord, col.ord],
aspect = "fill",
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
colorkey = list(space = "left"),
legend =
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "right",
size = 10)),
top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "top",
type = "triangle"))))
## Version with unsorted rows.
## For illustration, MPG ploted again at foot of dendrogram
mpg <- x["mpg", col.ord]
mpg.col <- level.colors(mpg, at = do.breaks(range(mpg), 10),
col.regions = terrain.colors)
levelplot(x[, col.ord],
aspect = "iso",
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
colorkey = FALSE,
legend =
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "right",
add = list(rect = list(fill = mpg.col)),
size = 10)),
top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row, ord = sort(row.ord),
side = "top", size = 10,
type = "triangle"))))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab