# Simplified version of Ferla et al. (2009) model.
model.pisa <- "
math =~ PV1MATH1 + PV1MATH2 + PV1MATH3 + PV1MATH4
neg.efficacy =~ ST31Q01 + ST31Q02 + ST31Q03 + ST31Q04 +
ST31Q05 + ST31Q06 + ST31Q07 + ST31Q08
neg.selfconcept =~ ST32Q02 + ST32Q04 + ST32Q06 + ST32Q07 + ST32Q09
neg.selfconcept ~ neg.efficacy + ESCS + male
neg.efficacy ~ neg.selfconcept + school.type + ESCS + male
math ~ neg.selfconcept + neg.efficacy + school.type + ESCS + male
# Fit the model using lavaan
fit <- lavaan(model.pisa, data =, auto.var = TRUE, = TRUE,
meanstructure = TRUE, = TRUE, estimator = "MLM")
## Not run due to CRAN policies,
## uncomment below to account for replicate weights:
## Define the survey design using the BRR replicate weights provided by PISA
## Note that these settings will work for _any_ analysis of PISA data...
#des.rep <- svrepdesign(ids = ~1, weights = ~W_FSTUWT, data =,
# repweights = "W_FSTR[0-9]+", type = "Fay", rho = 0.5)
## Fit the SEM model accounting for replicate weights
#fit.surv <- lavaan.survey( = fit, = des.rep)
#fit # Show fitmeasures results
#fit.surv # Show fitmeasures results
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