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lavaan (version 0.5-17)

InformativeTesting: Testing order Constrained Hypotheses in SEM


Testing order constrained Hypotheses in SEM


InformativeTesting(model = NULL, data, constraints = NULL, 
                   R = 1000L, type = "bollen.stine",
                   return.LRT = TRUE, 
                   double.bootstrap = "standard",
                   double.bootstrap.R = 500L, 
                   double.bootstrap.alpha = 0.05,
                   parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), 
                   ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)


Model syntax specifying the model. See model.syntax for more information.
The data frame containing the observed variables being used to fit the model.
The imposed inequality constraints on the model.
Integer; number of bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 1000.
If "parametric", the parametric bootstrap is used. If "bollen.stine", the semi-nonparametric Bollen-Stine bootstrap is used. The default is set to "bollen.stine".
Logical; if TRUE, the function returns bootstrapped LRT-values.
If "standard" (default) the genuine double bootstrap is used to compute an additional set of plug-in p-values for each bootstrap sample. If "no", no double bootstrap is used. If "FDB", the fast d
Integer; number of double bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 500.
The significance level to compute the adjusted alpha based on the plugin p-values. Only used if double.bootstrap = "standard". The default value is set to 0.05.
The type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".
Integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.
An optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the InformativeTesting call.
Logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.
Other named arguments from the lavaan package which are passed to the function. For example "group" in a multiple group model.


  • An object of class InformativeTesting for which a plot method is available.


Van de Schoot, R., Hoijtink, H., & Dekovic, M. (2010). Testing inequality constrained hypotheses in SEM models. Structural Equation Modeling, 17, 443-463.

Van de Schoot, R., Strohmeier, D. (2011). Testing informative hypotheses in SEM increases power: An illustration contrasting classical. International Journal of Behavioral Development 35(2), 180-190.


Run this code
# Simple ANOVA model with 3 groups (N=20 per group) (artifical data)
Y <- cbind(c(rnorm(20,0,1), rnorm(20,0.5,1), rnorm(20,1,1)))
grp <- c(rep("1", 20), rep("2", 20), rep("3", 20))
Data <- data.frame(Y, grp)

#create model matrix
fit.lm <- lm(Y ~ grp, data = Data)
mfit <- fit.lm$model
mm <- model.matrix(mfit)

Y <- model.response(mfit)
X <- data.frame(mm[,2:3])
names(X) <- c("d1", "d2")
Data.new <- data.frame(Y, X)

# model
model <- 'Y ~ 1 + a1*d1 + a2*d2'

# constraints syntax: mu1 < mu2 < mu3
constraints <- ' a1 > 0
                 a1 < a2 '

# we only generate 10 bootstrap samples in this example; in practice
# you may wish to use a much higher number, say > 10.000. The double bootstrap
# is not necessary in case of an univariate ANOVA model.
example <- InformativeTesting(model = model, data = Data.new, 
                              R = 10L, double.bootstrap = "no",
                              constraints = constraints)
# plot(example)

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