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utils-matrix: Utility Functions For Matrices.


Utility functions to deal with (mostly symmetric) matrices.


vech(S, diagonal = TRUE)
vechr(S, diagonal = TRUE)
vechu(S, diagonal = TRUE)
vechru(S, diagonal = TRUE)
vech.reverse(x, diagonal = TRUE)
vechru.reverse(x, diagonal = TRUE)
vechr.reverse(x, diagonal = TRUE)
vechu.reverse(x, diagonal = TRUE)
lower2full(x, diagonal = TRUE)
upper2full(x, diagonal = TRUE)
duplicationMatrix(n = 1L)
commutationMatrix(m = 1L, n = 1L)


A symmetric matrix.
A numeric vector containing the lower triangular or upper triangular elements of a symmetric matrix, possibly including the diagonal elements.
Logical. If TRUE, the diagonal is included. If FALSE, the diagonal is not included.
Integer. Dimension of the symmetric matrix, or column dimension of a non-square matrix.
Integer. Row dimension of a matrix.


The vech function implements the vech operator (for 'half vectorization') and transforms a symmetric matrix into a vector by stacking the columns of the matrix one underneath the other, but eliminating all supradiagonal elements. The vech.reverse function does the reverse: given the output of the vech function, it reconstructs the symmetric matrix.

The lower2full function takes the lower The duplicationMatrix function creates a duplication matrix D: it duplicates the elements in vech(S) to create vec(S) (where S is symmetric), such that D %*% vech(S) == vec(S). The commutationMatrix function creates a commutation matrix (K): this mn x mx matrix is a permutation matrix which transforms vec(A) into vec(t(A)), such that K %*% vec(A) == vec(t(A)). The sqrtSymmetricMatrix function computes the square root of a (positive definite) symmetric matrix.


Magnus, J. R. and H. Neudecker (1999). Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics, Second Edition, John Wiley.


Run this code
# lower.tri elements (including diagonal) of a symmetric matrix
x <- c(4,1,5,2,3,6)

# reconstruct full symmetric matrix (row-wise!)
S <- lower2full(x)

# extract the same lower.tri elements again in the same order

# without diagonal elements
vechr(S, diagonal=FALSE)

# duplication matrix
nvar <- ncol(S)
vec <- as.vector
Dup <- duplicationMatrix(nvar)
Dup %*% vech(S) == vec(S) # should all be true

# commutation matrix
K <- commutationMatrix(nvar, nvar)
K %*% vec(S) == vec(t(S)) # should all be true

# take sqrt root of a symmetric matrix
S.sqrt <- sqrtSymmetricMatrix(S)
S.sqrt %*% S.sqrt
# should be equal to S again (ignoring some rounding-off errors)

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