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lavaan (version 0.6-19)

lavTest: Test of exact fit


Compute a variety of test statistics evaluating the global fit of the model.


lavTest(lavobject, test = "standard", scaled.test = "standard",
            output = "list", drop.list.single = TRUE)


If output = "list": a nested list with test statistics, or if only a single test statistic is requested (and

drop.list.single = TRUE), a list with details for this test statistic. If output = "text": the text is printed, and a nested list of test statistics (including an info attribute) is returned.



An object of class lavaan.


Character vector. Multiple names of test statistics can be provided. If "standard" is included, a conventional chi-square test is computed. If "Browne.residual.adf" is included, Browne's residual-based test statistic using ADF theory is computed. If "Browne.residual.nt" is included, Browne's residual-based test statistic using normal theory is computed. If "Satorra.Bentler" is included, a Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistic is computed. If "Yuan.Bentler" is included, a Yuan-Bentler scaled test statistic is computed. If "Yuan.Bentler.Mplus" is included, a test statistic is computed that is asymptotically equal to the Yuan-Bentler scaled test statistic. If "mean.var.adjusted" or "Satterthwaite" is included, a mean and variance adjusted test statistic is computed. If "scaled.shifted" is included, an alternative mean and variance adjusted test statistic is computed (as in Mplus version 6 or higher). If "boot" or "bootstrap" or "Bollen.Stine" is included, the Bollen-Stine bootstrap is used to compute the bootstrap probability value of the (regular) test statistic.


Character. Choose the test statistic that will be scaled (if a scaled test statistic is requested). The default is "standard", but it could also be (for example) "Browne.residual.nt".


Character. If "list" (the default), return a list with all test statistics. If "text", display the output as text with verbose descriptions (as in the summary output). If any scaled test statistics are included, they are printed first in a two-column format. Next come the other test statistics in a one-column format.


Logical. Only used when output = "list". If TRUE and the list is of length one (i.e. only a single test statistic), drop the outer list. If FALSE, return a nested list with as many elements as we have test statistics.


Run this code
HS.model <- '
    visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
    textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
    speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
lavTest(fit, test = "browne.residual.adf")

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