Learn R Programming

lax (version 1.2.3)

lax-internal: Internal lax functions


Internal lax functions


adj_object(x, cluster = NULL, use_vcov = TRUE, ...)

return_level_gev(x, m, level, npy, prof, inc, type)

gev_rl_CI(x, m, level, npy, type)

gev_rl_prof(x, m, level, npy, inc, type, rl_sym)

return_level_bingp(x, m, level, npy, prof, inc, type, npy_given)

bingp_rl_CI(x, m, level, npy, type, u)

bingp_rl_prof(x, m, level, npy, inc, type, rl_sym, u)

box_cox_deriv(x, lambda = 1, lambda_tol = 1/50, poly_order = 3)

ismev_ppp(a, npy)

kgaps_loglik(theta, N0, N1, sum_qs, n_kgaps)



These functions are not intended to be called by the user.