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lax (version 1.2.3)

plot.retlev: Plot diagnostics for a retlev object


plot method for an objects of class c("retlev", "lax").


# S3 method for retlev
plot(x, y = NULL, level = NULL, legend = TRUE, digits = 3, plot = TRUE, ...)


A numeric vector of length 3 containing the lower 100level% confidence limit, the MLE and the upper 100level% confidence limit.



an object of class c("retlev", "lax"), a result of a call to return_level, using prof = TRUE.


Not used.


A numeric scalar in (0, 1). The confidence level required for the confidence interval for the m-year return level. If level is not supplied then x$level is used. level must be no larger than x$level.


A logical scalar. Should we add a legend (in the top right of the plot) that gives the approximate values of the MLE and 100level% confidence limits?


An integer. Passed to signif to round the values in the legend.


A logical scalar. If TRUE then the plot is produced. Otherwise, it is not, but the MLE and confidence limits are returned.


Further arguments to be passed to plot.


See the examples in return_level.


Plots the profile loglikelihood for a return level, provided that x returned by a call to return_level using prof = TRUE. Horizontal lines indicate the values of the maximised loglikelihood and the critical level used to calculate the confidence limits. If level is smaller than x$level then approximate 100level% confidence limits are recalculated based on the information contained in x$for_plot.

See Also

return_level to perform inferences about return levels.