Wrapper to foreach::foreach called from .choose_best_subjects.
max_chunk_size = get("PROCESSED_CHUNK_SIZE", .ldamatch_globals),
print_progress = get("PRINT_PROGRESS", .ldamatch_globals)
An iterator created using either the iterpc or the iterators package, or anything else foreach::foreach can interpret (esp. a list).
The operation to be performed for each item in input (possibly after preprocessing it; see preprocess_input).
Processes each value retrieved from the input iterator.
The same as the parameters of foreach::foreach with identical names.
The maximum number of items to be retrieved from input if it is an iterator.
If TRUE, prints messages about the progress.
Used to use iterpc::iter_wrapper() on iterpc iterators, but realized that foreach doesn't handle iterators in a nice way (converts it to a list, which may be huge, instead of gradually retrieving the contensts), so feeding segments of the iterators to foreach instead.