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ldlasso (version 3.2)

ldlasso.obj: LD LASSO Object created by the function ld_lasso_method


This is a data frame created by the function ld_lasso_method. It contains information about the parameters used to generate the three LD LASSO solutions, as well as the solutions themselves. It also contains the results from the grid search performed to estimates the cp-optimal solution. (see cp.obj) Some basic map information is also stored here for use when plotting.





beta1 numeric
cp-optimal solution beta2
numeric fused solution
beta3 numeric
un-fused solution s2star
numeric s2 parameter used for cp-optimal solution
cp.obj data.frame
s2 and cp vectors along with solution matrix used to find s2star log10p
numeric log base 10 of p-values from allelic test of association for each SNP
bpmap numeric
vector of physical SNP positions in kb from left boundary block.bounds.vec
numeric position of block boundaries in kb from left boundary (does not inlcude endpoints)
s1 numeric
LASSO parameter B
numeric number of bootstrap samples used by ld_lasso_method to find s2star
s2.vec.length numeric
length of vector of s2 values used in ld_lasso_method beta1


Samuel Younkin, Joseph Nadeau, Robert Elston and J. Sunil Rao, "The Linkage Disequilibrium LASSO for SNP Selection in a Genetic Association Study of Late Onset Alzheimer Disease," Technical Report, 2010