The rest of all possible options for map elements and layers that are not listed in the layer functions.
tileOptions(minZoom = 0, maxZoom = 18, maxNativeZoom = NULL,
tileSize = 256, subdomains = "abc", errorTileUrl = "", tms = FALSE,
continuousWorld = FALSE, noWrap = FALSE, zoomOffset = 0,
zoomReverse = FALSE, opacity = 1, zIndex = NULL,
unloadInvisibleTiles = NULL, updateWhenIdle = NULL,
detectRetina = FALSE, reuseTiles = FALSE, ...)WMSTileOptions(styles = "", format = "image/jpeg", transparent = FALSE,
version = "1.1.1", crs = NULL, ...)
popupOptions(maxWidth = 300, minWidth = 50, maxHeight = NULL,
autoPan = TRUE, keepInView = FALSE, closeButton = TRUE,
zoomAnimation = TRUE, closeOnClick = NULL, className = "", ...)
labelOptions(clickable = FALSE, noHide = FALSE, className = "",
direction = "right", offset = c(12, -15), opacity = 1,
textsize = "10px", textOnly = FALSE, style = NULL,
zoomAnimation = TRUE, ...)
markerOptions(clickable = TRUE, draggable = FALSE, keyboard = TRUE,
title = "", alt = "", zIndexOffset = 0, opacity = 1,
riseOnHover = FALSE, riseOffset = 250, ...)
markerClusterOptions(showCoverageOnHover = TRUE, zoomToBoundsOnClick = TRUE,
spiderfyOnMaxZoom = TRUE, removeOutsideVisibleBounds = TRUE,
spiderLegPolylineOptions = list(weight = 1.5, color = "#222", opacity =
0.5), freezeAtZoom = FALSE, ...)
pathOptions(lineCap = NULL, lineJoin = NULL, clickable = TRUE,
pointerEvents = NULL, className = "", ...)
the tile layer options; see
extra options passed to underlying Javascript object constructor.
comma-separated list of WMS styles
WMS image format (use 'image/png'
for layers with
, the WMS service will return images with
version of the WMS service to use
Coordinate Reference System to use for the WMS requests, defaults.
popup options; see
a CSS class name set on an element
whether the element emits mouse events
label options; see
marker options; see
when you mouse over a cluster it shows the bounds of its markers
when you click a cluster we zoom to its bounds
when you click a cluster at the bottom zoom level we spiderfy it so you can see all of its markers
clusters and markers too far from the viewport are removed from the map for performance
Allows you to specify PolylineOptions ( to style spider legs. By default, they are weight: 1.5, color: '#222', opacity: 0.5
Allows you to freeze cluster expansion to a zoom level. Can be a zoom level e.g. 10, 12 or 'max' or 'maxKeepSpiderify' See
a string that defines shape to be used at the end of the stroke
a string that defines shape to be used at the corners of the stroke
sets the pointer-events
attribute on the path if
SVG backend is used
: Options for tile layers
: Options for WMS tile layers
: Options for popups
: Options for labels
: Options for markers
: Options for marker clusters
: Options for vector layers (polylines, polygons,
rectangles, and circles, etc)
to map CRS (don't change this if you're not sure what it means)