pal <- colorBin("Greens", domain = 0:100)
pal(runif(10, 60, 100))
if (interactive()) {
# Exponential distribution, mapped continuously
previewColors(colorNumeric("Blues", domain = NULL), sort(rexp(16)))
# Exponential distribution, mapped by interval
previewColors(colorBin("Blues", domain = NULL, bins = 4), sort(rexp(16)))
# Exponential distribution, mapped by quantile
previewColors(colorQuantile("Blues", domain = NULL), sort(rexp(16)))
# Categorical data; by default, the values being colored span the gamut...
previewColors(colorFactor("RdYlBu", domain = NULL), LETTERS[1:5])
# ...unless the data is a factor, without droplevels...
previewColors(colorFactor("RdYlBu", domain = NULL), factor(LETTERS[1:5], levels = LETTERS))
# ...or the domain is stated explicitly.
previewColors(colorFactor("RdYlBu", levels = LETTERS), LETTERS[1:5])
# }
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