Create and customize interactive maps using the 'Leaflet' JavaScript library and the 'htmlwidgets' package. These maps can be used directly from the R console, from 'RStudio', in Shiny applications and R Markdown documents.
Maintainer: Joe Cheng
Barret Schloerke (ORCID)
Bhaskar Karambelkar
Yihui Xie
Other contributors:
Hadley Wickham [contributor]
Kenton Russell [contributor]
Kent Johnson [contributor]
Vladimir Agafonkin (Leaflet library) [contributor, copyright holder]
CloudMade (Leaflet library) [copyright holder]
Leaflet contributors (Leaflet library) [contributor]
Brandon Copeland (leaflet-measure plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Joerg Dietrich (Leaflet.Terminator plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Benjamin Becquet (Leaflet.MagnifyingGlass plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Norkart AS (Leaflet.MiniMap plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
L. Voogdt (Leaflet.awesome-markers plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Daniel Montague (Leaflet.EasyButton plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Kartena AB (Proj4Leaflet plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Robert Kajic (leaflet-locationfilter plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Mapbox (leaflet-omnivore plugin) [contributor, copyright holder]
Michael Bostock (topojson) [contributor, copyright holder]
Posit Software, PBC [copyright holder, funder]
Useful links: