dsamp <- diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]
(d <- ggplot(dsamp, aes(carat, price)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = clarity)))
reposition_legend(d + theme(legend.position='bottom'), 'bottom right')
# To change the orientation of the legend, use theme's descriptors.
reposition_legend(d + theme(legend.position='bottom'), 'top left')
# Use odd specifications, here offset the legend with half its height from the bottom.
reposition_legend(d + theme(legend.position='bottom'), x=0.3, y=0, just=c(0, -0.5))
# For using with facets, use gtable_show_names to find the panel's name:
# \donttest{
gtable_show_names(d + facet_grid(.~cut))
panel_name <- ifelse(packageVersion("ggplot2") >=
package_version("3.3.1"), 'panel-1-5', 'panel-3-1')
reposition_legend(d + facet_grid(.~cut), 'top left', panel = panel_name)
# }
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