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annotate_y_axis: Annotations on the axis


Annotations on the axis


  side = waiver(),
  print_label = TRUE,
  print_value = TRUE,
  print_both = TRUE,
  parsed = FALSE,

annotate_x_axis( label, x, side = waiver(), print_label = TRUE, print_value = TRUE, print_both = TRUE, parsed = FALSE, ... )



Text to print

y, x

Position of the annotation.


left or right, or top or bottom side to print annotation

print_label, print_value, print_both

Logical; what to show on annotation. Label and/or value. print_both is shortcut for setting both print_label and print_value. When both is TRUE, uses argument sep to separate the label and value.


Logical (default FALSE), when TRUE, uses mathplot for outputting expressions. See section "Showing values".


Style settings for label and tick: colour, hjust, vjust, size, fontface, family, rot. When waiver() (default), the relevant theme element is used.

Showing values: See plotmath for using mathematical expressions. The function uses a simple replacement strategy where the literal strings .(y) and .(val) are replaced by the value after round of to a number of digits, as given by argument digits.


Run this code

p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, hp, colour=disp)) + geom_point()

l <- p + annotate_y_axis('mark at', y=200, tick=TRUE)

(l + annotate_x_axis('| good economy ->', x=25, print_value=FALSE, hjust=0, tick=TRUE))

l + annotate_y_axis("x^2 == .(y)", y=150, parsed=FALSE,  tick=FALSE) +
    annotate_y_axis("x^2 + bar(x) == .(y)", y=mean(mtcars$hp), parsed=TRUE, tick=TRUE)

l + annotate_y_axis("bar(x) == .(y)", y = mean(mtcars$hp),  parsed=TRUE, tick=FALSE) 
# use double equal signs, or the output becomes '=(...)' for some reason.

l + annotate_y_axis('this is midway', y=sum(range(mtcars$hp))/2, print_value = FALSE, side='left')

# work around if an axis only contains parsed expressions
p + annotate_y_axis("bar(x) == .(y)", y = mean(mtcars$hp),  parsed=TRUE, tick=FALSE) +
  annotate_y_axis("some long string", y=100, tick=FALSE, print_value=FALSE, colour=NA)

# Works together with other functions
p <- p + theme_light() + theme(panel.border=element_blank(),
                               axis.line = element_line(), 
                               axis.ticks = element_line(colour='black')) 
p + coord_capped_cart(bottom='right') + 
  annotate_y_axis('More than I\ncan afford', y=125, 
                  print_value=FALSE, tick=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab