## create factors
f1 <- factor(sample(24000, 100000, replace = TRUE))
f2 <- factor(sample(20000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
f3 <- factor(sample(10000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
f4 <- factor(sample(8000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
## the matrix of dummies
D <- makeDmatrix(list(f1, f2, f3, f4))
## an x
truex <- runif(ncol(D))
## and the right hand side
R <- as.vector(D %*% truex)
## solve it
sol <- kaczmarz(list(f1, f2, f3, f4), R)
## verify that the solution solves the system Dx = R
sqrt(sum((D %*% sol - R)^2))
## but the solution is not equal to the true x, because the system is
## underdetermined
sqrt(sum((sol - truex)^2))
## moreover, the solution from kaczmarz has smaller norm
sqrt(sum(sol^2)) < sqrt(sum(truex^2))
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