method for class "felm"
# S3 method for felm
robust = !is.null(object$clustervar) || getOption("lfe.robust"),
lhs = NULL
The function summary.felm
returns an object of class
. It is quite similar to en "summary.lm"
object, but not entirely compatible.
The "summary.felm"
object is a list containing the following fields:
a numerical vector. The residuals of the full system, with dummies.
an integer. The total number of coefficients, including those projected out.
an integer. The number of coefficients, excluding those projected out.
a Pp x 4 matrix with columns for the estimated coefficients, their standard errors, t-statistic and corresponding (two-sided) p-value.
residual standard error.
R^2, the fraction of variance explained by the model.
Adjusted R^2.
Projected F-statistic. The result of a
call to waldtest()
list of factors. A list of the terms in the second part of the model.
character. If
is the result of an estimation with multiple left hand sides,
the actual argument lhs
will be copied to this field.
F-statistic for excluded instruments in 1. step IV, see
P-value for iv1fstat
an object of class "felm"
, a result of a call to
further arguments passed to or from other methods.
logical. Use robust standard errors. See notes.
character. If multiple left hand sides, specify the name of the one to obtain a summary for.