Compute the base matrix of a continuous Gaussian field. Computed as a block circulant matrix on a torus where x and y is the x and y centroids (must be equally spaced). This is an extension of the function blockcircbase to extend the range of covariance functions that can be fitted to the model.
blockcircbaseFunction(x, y, CovFunction, CovParameters, inverse = FALSE)
x centroids, an equally spaced vector
y centroids, an equally spaced vector
a function of distance, returning the covariance between points that distance apart
an object of class CovParamters, see ?CovParameters
logical. Whether to return the base matrix of the inverse covariance matrix (ie the base matrix for the precision matrix), default is FALSE
the base matrix of a block circulant matrix representing a stationary covariance function on a toral grid.
chooseCellwidth, getpolyol, guessinterp, getZmat, addTemporalCovariates, lgcpPrior, lgcpInits, lgcpPredictSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictAggregateSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictSpatioTemporalPlusPars, lgcpPredictMultitypeSpatialPlusPars