Create a constant-in-time temporalAtRisk object from a numeric object of length 1. The returned temporalAtRisk object is assumed to have been scaled correctly by the user so that mu(t) = E(number of cases in a unit time interval).
# S3 method for numeric
constantInTime(obj, tlim, warn = TRUE, ...)
numeric constant
vector of length 2 giving time limits
Issue a warning if the given temporal intensity treated is treated as 'known'?
additional arguments
a function f(t) giving the (constant) temporal intensity at time t for integer t in the interval [tlim[1],tlim[2]] of class temporalAtRisk
For further details of temporalAtRisk objects, see ?temporalAtRisk>
temporalAtRisk, spatialAtRisk, temporalAtRisk.numeric, temporalAtRisk.function, constantInTime, constantInTime.stppp, print.temporalAtRisk, plot.temporalAtRisk,