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lidR (version 1.3.1)

LAS-class: An S4 class to represent the data read in a .las or .laz file


A LAS object is the representation of a las/laz files.




data.table. a table representing the LAS data


list. A list of information contained in the las file header.


A CRS object.


A LAS object contains a data.table in the slot @data with the data read from a las/laz file, a LASheader in the slot @header (see the ASPRS documentation for the LAS file format for more information) and a CRS (coordinates reference system) in the slot @crs. In the slot @data The fields read from the las/laz file are named:

  • X Y Z

  • Intensity

  • ReturnNumber

  • NumberOfReturns

  • ScanDirectionFlag

  • EdgeOfFlightline

  • Classification

  • ScanAngle

  • UserData

  • PointSourceID

3 other fields can be computed is desired: slot @data:

  • pulseID: a unique identifying number for each pulse so the beam origin of each point is known (see laspulse)

  • flightlineID: a unique identifying number for the flightline so the flightline origin of each point is known (see lasflightline)

  • color: the hexadecimal name of the color of the point if R, G and B fields exist (see lascolor)

See Also