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lidR (version 1.3.1)

lasground: Classify points as ground or not ground


Implements a Progressive Morphological Filter for segmentation of ground points. The function updates the field Classification of the input LAS object. The points classified as 'ground' are assigned a value of 2 according to las specifications (See the ASPRS documentation for the LAS file format). This function is an implementation of the Zhang et al. (2003) algorithm (see reference)


lasground(.las, MaxWinSize = 20, Slope = 1, InitDist = 0.5, MaxDist = 3,
  CellSize = 1, ...)



a LAS object


numeric. Maximum window size to be used in filtering ground returns (see references)


numeric. Slope value to be used in computing the height thresholds (see references)


numeric. Initial height above the parameterized ground surface to be considered a ground return (see references)


numeric. Maximum height above the parameterized ground surface to be considered a ground return (see references)


numeric. Cell size


Any additional specific parameters to be passed to the progressive morphological filter. These include: - exponential logical. Default is TRUE. - base numeric. Default is 2


Nothing. The original LAS object is updated by reference. In the 'Classification' column a value of 2 denotes ground according to LAS specifications.


Zhang, K., Chen, S. C., Whitman, D., Shyu, M. L., Yan, J., & Zhang, C. (2003). A progressive morphological filter for removing nonground measurements from airborne LIDAR data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(4 PART I), 872<U+2013>882. http:#doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2003.810682


Run this code
LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Topography.laz", package="lidR")
las = readLAS(LASfile, XYZonly = TRUE)

lasground(las, MaxWinSize = 40, Slope = 1, MaxDist = 5, InitDist = 0.01, CellSize = 7)

plot(las, color = "Classification")
# }

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