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lidR (version 2.0.0)

tree_metrics: Compute metrics for each tree


Once the trees are segmented, i.e. attributes exist in the point cloud that reference each tree, computes a set of user-defined descriptive statistics for each individual tree. This is the "tree version" of grid_metrics.


tree_metrics(las, func, field = "treeID")



An object of class LAS or LAScatalog.


The function to be applied to each tree.


character. The column name of the field containing tree IDs. Default is "treeID"


A SpatialPoinsDataFrame that references the xy-position with a table of attributes that associates the z-elevation (highest points) of the trees and the id of the trees, plus the metrics defined by the user.

Working with a <code>LAScatalog</code>

This section appears in each function that supports a LAScatalog as input.

In lidR when the input of a function is a LAScatalog the function uses the LAScatalog processing engine. The user can modify the engine options using the available options. A careful reading of the engine documentation is recommended before processing LAScatalogs. Each lidR function should come with a section that documents the supported engine options.

The LAScatalog engine supports .lax files that significantly improve the computation speed of spatial queries using a spatial index. Users should really take advantage a .lax files, but this is not mandatory.

Supported processing options

Supported processing options for a LAScatalog (in bold). For more details see the LAScatalog engine documentation:

  • chunk size: How much data is loaded at once.

  • chunk buffer*: Mandatory to get a continuous output without edge effects. The buffer is always removed once processed and will never be returned either in R or in files.

  • chunk alignment: Align the processed chunks.

  • cores: How many cores are used.

  • progress: Displays a progression estimation.

  • output_files: Supported templates are {XLEFT}, {XRIGHT}, {YBOTTOM}, {YTOP}, {XCENTER}, {YCENTER} {ID} and, if chunk size is equal to 0 (processing by file), {ORIGINALFILENAME}.

  • laz_compression: write las or laz files

  • select: The function will write files equivalent to the original ones. Thus select = "*" and cannot be changed.

  • filter: Read only points of interest.


By default the function computes the xyz-coordinates of the highest point of each tree and uses xy as tree coordinates in SpatialPoinsDataFrame. z is stored in the table of attributes along with the id of each tree. All the other attributes are user-defined attributes: The following existing functions contain a small set of pre-defined metrics:

Users must write their own functions to create their own metrics. tree_metrics will dispatch the LiDAR data for each segmented tree in the user-defined function. Functions are defined without the need to consider each segmented tree i.e. only the point cloud (see examples).


Run this code
LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "MixedConifer.laz", package="lidR")
las = readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-drop_z_below 0")

# Mean height and mean intensity for each tree
metrics = tree_metrics(las, list(`Mean Z` = mean(Z), `Mean I` = mean(Intensity)))

# Define your own new metrics function
myMetrics = function(z, i)
  metrics = list(
     imean = mean(i),
     imax  = max(i),
     npoint = length(z)


metrics = tree_metrics(las, myMetrics(Z, Intensity))

# predefined metrics (see ?stdmetrics)
metrics = tree_metrics(las, .stdtreemetrics)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab