Learn R Programming

lidR (version 4.0.1)

classify: Classify points


Classify points that meet some criterion and/or that belong in a region of interest. The functions updates the attribute Classification of the LAS object according to las specifications


classify_ground(las, algorithm, last_returns = TRUE)

classify_noise(las, algorithm)

classify_poi( las, class, poi = NULL, roi = NULL, inverse_roi = FALSE, by_reference = FALSE )



An object of class LAS or LAScatalog.


An algorithm for classification. lidR has has: sor, ivf for noise classification, and pmf, csf, mcc for ground classification (see respective documentation).


logical. The algorithm will use only the last returns (including the first returns in cases of a single return) to run the algorithm. If FALSE all the returns are used. If the attributes 'ReturnNumber' or 'NumberOfReturns' are absent, 'last_returns' is turned to FALSE automatically.


The ASPRS class to attribute to the points that meet the criterion.


a formula of logical predicates. The points that are TRUE will be classified class.


A SpatialPolygons*, from sp or a sf/sfc_POLYGON from sf. The points that are in the region of interest delimited by the polygon(s) are classified class.


bool. Inverses the roi. The points that are outside the polygon(s) are classified class.


bool. Updates the classification in place (LAS only).

Non-supported LAScatalog options

The option select is not supported and not respected because it always preserves the file format and all the attributes. select = "*" is imposed internally.



Classify points as 'noise' (outliers) with several possible algorithms. lidR has: sor, ivf. The points classified as 'noise' are assigned a value of 18.


Classify points as 'ground' with several possible algorithms. lidR has pmf, csf and mcc. The points classified as 'ground' are assigned a value of 2


Classify points that meet some logical criterion and/or that belong in a region of interest with class of choice.


Run this code
# ===============
# Classify ground
# ===============

LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Topography.laz", package="lidR")
las <- readLAS(LASfile, select = "xyzrn", filter = "-inside 273450 5274350 273550 5274450")

# (Parameters chosen mainly for speed)
mycsf <- csf(TRUE, 1, 1, time_step = 1)
las <- classify_ground(las, mycsf)
#plot(las, color = "Classification")

# ===============
# Classify noise
# ===============

LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Topography.laz", package="lidR")
las <- readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-inside 273450 5274350 273550 5274450")

# Add 20 artificial outliers
id = round(runif(20, 0, npoints(las)))
err = runif(20, -50, 50)
las$Z[id] = las$Z[id] + err

# Using IVF
las <- classify_noise(las, ivf(5,2))
#plot(las, color = "Classification")

# Remove outliers using filter_poi()
las_denoise <- filter_poi(las, Classification != LASNOISE)

# ===============
# Classify POI
# ===============

LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
shp <- system.file("extdata", "lake_polygons_UTM17.shp", package = "lidR")

las  <- readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-keep_random_fraction 0.1")
lake <- sf::st_read(shp, quiet = TRUE)

# Classifies the points that are NOT in the lake and that are NOT ground points as class 5
poi <- ~Classification != LASGROUND
las <- classify_poi(las, LASHIGHVEGETATION, poi = poi, roi = lake, inverse = TRUE)

# Classifies the points that are in the lake as class 9
las <- classify_poi(las, LASWATER, roi = lake, inverse = FALSE)

#plot(las, color = "Classification")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab