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lidR (version 4.0.1)

las_utilities: LAS utilities


Tools to manipulate LAS objects maintaining compliance with ASPRS specification


las_rescale(las, xscale, yscale, zscale)

las_reoffset(las, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset)

las_quantize(las, by_reference = TRUE)


quantize(x, scale, offset, by_reference = TRUE, ...)

is.quantized(x, scale, offset, ...)

count_not_quantized(x, scale, offset)

storable_coordinate_range(scale, offset)








An object of class LAS

xscale, yscale, zscale

scalar. Can be missing if not relevant.

xoffset, yoffset, zoffset

scalar. Can be missing if not relevant.


bool. Update the data in place without allocating new memory.


numeric. Coordinates vector

scale, offset

scalar. scale and offset




In the specification of the LAS format the coordinates are expected to be given with a certain precision e.g. 0.01 for a millimeter precision (or millifeet), meaning that a file records e.g. 123.46 not 123.45678. Also, coordinates are stored as integers. This is made possible with a scale and offset factor. For example, 123.46 with an offset of 100 and a scale factor of 0.01 is actually stored as (123.46 - 100)/0.01 = 2346. Storing 123.45678 with a scale factor of 0.01 and an offset of 100 is invalid because it does not convert to an integer: (123.45678-100)/0.01 = 2345.678. Having an invalid LAS object may be critical in some lidR applications. When writing into a LAS file, users will loose the extra precision without warning and some algorithms in lidR use the integer conversion to make integer-based computation and thus speed-up some algorithms and use less memory. Creation of an invalid LAS object may cause problems and incorrect outputs.

See Also

Other las utilities: las_check()


Run this code
LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.laz", package="rlas")
las = readLAS(LASfile)

# Manual modification of the coordinates (e.g. rotation, re-alignment, ...)
las@data$X <- las@data$X + 2/3
las@data$Y <- las@data$Y - 5/3

# The point cloud is no longer valid

# It is important to fix that

# Now the file is almost valid

# Update the object to set up-to-date header data
las <- las_update(las)

# In practice the above code is not useful for regular users because the operators
# $<- already perform such operations on-the-fly. Thus the following
# syntax must be preferred and returns valid objects. Previous tools
# were only intended to be used in very specific cases.
las$X <- las$X + 2/3
las$Y <- las$Y - 5/3

# Rescale and reoffset recompute the coordinates with
# new scales and offsets according to LAS specification
las <- las_rescale(las, xscale = 0.01, yscale = 0.01)
las <- las_reoffset(las, xoffset = 300000, yoffset = 5248000)

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