(r5 <- GHrule( 5, asMatrix=FALSE))
(r12 <- GHrule(12, asMatrix=FALSE))
## second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth central moments of the
## standard Gaussian N(0,1) density:
ps <- seq(2, 10, by = 2)
cbind(p = ps, "E[X^p]" = with(r5, sapply(ps, function(p) sum(w * z^p)))) # p=10 is wrong for 5-rule
p <- 1:15
GQ12 <- with(r12, sapply(p, function(p) sum(w * z^p)))
cbind(p = p, "E[X^p]" = zapsmall(GQ12))
## standard R numerical integration can do it too:
intL <- lapply(p, function(p) integrate(function(x) x^p * dnorm(x),
-Inf, Inf, rel.tol=1e-11))
integR <- sapply(intL, `[[`, "value")
cbind(p, "E[X^p]" = integR)# no zapsmall() needed here
all.equal(GQ12, integR, tol=0)# => shows small difference
stopifnot(all.equal(GQ12, integR, tol = 1e-10))
(xactMom <- cumprod(seq(1,13, by=2)))
stopifnot(all.equal(xactMom, GQ12[2*(1:7)], tol=1e-14))
## mean relative errors :
mean(abs(GQ12 [2*(1:7)] / xactMom - 1)) # 3.17e-16
mean(abs(integR[2*(1:7)] / xactMom - 1)) # 9.52e-17 {even better}
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