## ex. 1: using refit() to fit each column in a matrix of responses
Y <- matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=10)
res <- list()
## combine first column of responses with predictor variables
d <- data.frame(y=Y[,1],x=rnorm(100),f=rep(1:10,10))
## (use check.conv.grad="ignore" to disable convergence checks because we
## are using a fake example)
## fit first response
fit1 <- lmer(y~x+(1|f),data=d,
## combine fit to first response with fits to remaining responses
res <- c(fit1,lapply(as.data.frame(Y[,-1]),refit,object=fit1))
## ex. 2: refitting simulated data using data that contain NA values
sleepstudyNA <- sleepstudy
sleepstudyNA$Reaction[1:3] <- NA
fm0 <- lmer(Reaction~Days+(1|Subject),sleepstudyNA)
## the special case of refitting with a single simulation works ...
ss0 <- refit(fm0,simulate(fm0))
## ... but if simulating multiple responses (for efficiency),
## need to use na.action=na.exclude in order to have proper length of data
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction~Days+(1|Subject),sleepstudyNA,na.action=na.exclude)
ss <- simulate(fm1,5)
res2 <- refit(fm1,ss[[5]])
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