vcmodA <- lmer(mathAge11 ~ mathAge8 + gender + class + (1 | school), data = jsp728)
## you can write your own function to return stats, or use something like 'fixef'
mySumm <- function(.) {
s <- getME(., "sigma")
c(beta = getME(., "beta"), sigma = s, sig01 = unname(s * getME(., "theta")))
## running a parametric bootstrap
boo1 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "parametric", B = 20)
## to print results in a formatted way
if (FALSE) {
## running a cases bootstrap - only resampling the schools
boo2 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "case", B = 100, resample = c(TRUE, FALSE))
## running a cases bootstrap - resampling the schools and students within the school
boo3 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "case", B = 100, resample = c(TRUE, TRUE))
## running a residual bootstrap
boo4 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "residual", B = 100)
## running an REB0 bootstrap
boo5 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "reb", B = 100, reb_typ = 0)
## Running the Wild bootstrap
boo6 <- bootstrap(model = vcmodA, .f = mySumm, type = "wild", B= 100,
hccme = "hc2", aux.dist = "mammen")
## Running a bootstrap in parallel via foreach
numCores <- 2
cl <- makeCluster(numCores, type = "PSOCK") # make a socket cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # how the CPU knows to run in parallel
b_parallel <- foreach(B = rep(250, 2),
.combine = combine_lmeresamp,
.packages = c("lmeresampler", "lme4")) %dopar% {
bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = B)
## Running a bootstrap in parallel via parLapply
cl <- makeCluster(numCores, type = "PSOCK") # make a socket cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # how the CPU knows to run in parallel
boot_mod <- function(...) {
vcmodA <- lmer(mathAge11 ~ mathAge8 + gender + class + (1 | school), data = jsp728)
bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = 250)
result <- parLapply(cl, seq_len(2), boot_mod)
b_parallel2 <-"combine_lmeresamp", result)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab