An object of class "regdata"
summary statistics of the data for the sites in a region.
It is a data frame with each row containing data for one site.
The columns should contain
the site name, record length and \(L\)-moments
and \(L\)-moment ratios, in the order
\(\ell_1\) (mean),
\(t\) (\(L\)-CV),
\(t_3\) (\(L\)-skewness),
\(t_4\) (\(L\)-kurtosis),
\(t_6\), etc.
There should be at least four columns, but most functions that use
objects of class "regdata"
typically require more columns.
Six or seven columns (4 or 5 \(L\)-moments) is usually
adequate for regional frequency analysis.
Note that the fourth column should contain values of
the \(L\)-CV \(t=\ell_2/\ell_1\), not the \(L\)-scale \(\ell_2\)!
Objects of class "regdata"
are created by as.regdata
and by regsamlmu
(with default settings of its arguments).
They are used by several functions in package lmomRFA, including
(which computes regional average \(L\)-moments),
(which fits a regional frequency distribution), and
(which computes discordancy, heterogeneity and
goodness-of-fit measures).