Computes the “unbiased” sample \(L\)-moments and \(L\)-moment
ratios of multiple sets of data stored in a list or matrix.
Following the paradigm of regional frequency analysis,
we regard the data sets as coming from different measurement sites.
An object of class regdata.
It is a data frame with columns "name" and "n",
containing respectively the site names and the
number of non-missing data values at each site,
and further columns containing the \(L\)-moments and \(L\)-moment ratios,
in the order \(\ell_1\), \(t\) (or \(\ell_2\)),
\(t_3\), \(t_4\), etc.
A list of numeric vectors, or a numeric matrix.
Number of \(L\)-moments to be computed.
Logical: whether each data set should be sorted.
If TRUE, the second \(L\)-moment will be expressed
as a fraction of the mean, i.e. the computed value will be
the sample \(L\)-CV \(t=\ell_2/\ell_1\).
If FALSE, the second \(L\)-moment will simply be
the sample \(L\)-scale value \(\ell_2\).
Sample \(L\)-moments are computed for each data set.
The calculations use samlmu internally.
If x is a list, each list element should contain data for one site
and the names of the list elements should be the site names.
If x is a matrix, each column should contain data for one site
and the column names should be the site names.
Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997).
Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on \(L\)-moments.
Cambridge University Press.