if (FALSE) {
# Need to load libraries in this order
library(lmomco); library(lmomRFA)
TxDat <- TX38lgtrmFlow
TxDat <- TxDat[,-c(4)]; TxDat <- TxDat[,-c(8:15)]
TxDat2 <- TxDat[-c(11, 28),] # Remove 08082700 Millers Creek near Munday
# Remove 08190500 West Nueces River at Brackettville
# No explanation for why Millers Creek is so radically discordant with the other
# streamgages with the possible exception that its data record does not span the
# drought of the 1950s like many of the other streamgages.
# The West Nueces is a highly different river from even nearby streamgages. It
# is a problem in flood frequency analysis too. So not surprizing to see this
# streamgage come up as discordant.
S <- summary(regtst(TxDat2))
# The results suggest that none of the 3-parameter distributions are suitable.
# The bail out solution using the Wakeby distribution is accepted. Our example
# will continue on by consideration of the two 4-parameter distributions
# available. A graphical comparison between three frequency curves will be made.
kap <- S$rpara
rmom <- S$rmom
lmr <- vec2lmom(rmom, lscale=FALSE)
aep <- paraep4(lmr)
F <- as.numeric(unlist(attributes(S$quant)$dimnames[2]))
plot(qnorm(F), S$quant[6,], type="l", lwd=3, lty=2,
xlab="Nonexceedance probability (as standard normal variate)",
ylab="Frequency factor (dimensionless)")
lines(qnorm(F), quakap(F, kap), col=4, lwd=2)
lines(qnorm(F), quaaep4(F, aep), col=2)
legend(-1, 0.8, c("Wakeby distribution (5 parameters)",
"Kappa distribution (4 parameters)",
"Asymmetrical Exponential Power distribution (4 parameters)"),
bty = "n", cex=0.75, lwd=c(3,2,1), lty=c(2,1,1), col=c(1,4,2)
# Based on general left tail behavior the Wakeby distribution is not acceptable.
# Based on general right tail behavior the AEP is preferred.
# It is recognized that the regional analysis provided by regtst() indicates
# substantial heterogeneity by all three definitions of that statistic. Further
# analysis to somehow compensate for climatological and general physiographic
# differences between the watersheds might be able to compensate for the
# heterogeneity. Such an effort is outside scope of this example.
# Suppose that the following data set is available for particular stream site from
# a short record streamgage, let us apply the dimensionless frequency curve as
# defined by the asymmetric exponential power distribution. Lettuce also use the
# 50-year drought as an example. This recurrence interval has a nonexceedance
# probability of 0.02. Lastly, there is the potential with this particular process
# to compute a negative annual mean streamflow, when this happens truncate to zero.
data <- c(11.9, 42.8, 36, 20.4, 43.8, 30.7, 91.1, 54.7, 43.7, 17, 28.7, 20.5, 81.2)
xbar <- mean(log10(data + 10)) # shift, log, and mean
# Note the application of the "the index method" within the exponentiation.
tmp.quantile <- 10^(xbar*quaaep4(0.02, aep)) - 10 # detrans, offset
Q50yeardrought <- ifelse(tmp.quantile < 0, 0, tmp.quantile)
# The value is 2.53 cubic feet per second average streamflow.
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