if (FALSE) {
# 1-day rainfall Travis county, Texas
para <- vec2par(c(3.00, 1.20, -.0954), type="gev")
F <- .99 # the 100-year event
n <- 46 # sample size derived from 75th percentile of record length distribution
# for Edwards Plateau from Figure 3 of USGS WRIR98-4044 (Asquith, 1998)
# Argument for 75th percentile is that the contours of distribution parameters
# in that report represent a regionalization of the parameters and hence
# record lengths such as the median or smaller for the region seem too small
# for reasonable exploration of confidence limits of precipitation.
nsim <- 5000 # simulation size
seed <- runif(1, min=1, max=10000)
CI <- genci.simple(para, n, F=F, nsim=nsim, edist="nor")
lo.nor <- CI$lower; hi.nor <- CI$upper
CI <- genci.simple(para, n, F=F, nsim=nsim, edist="aep4")
lo.aep4 <- CI$lower; hi.aep4 <- CI$upper
message("NORMAL ERROR DIST: lowerCI = ",lo.nor, " and upperCI = ",hi.nor)
message(" AEP4 ERROR DIST: lowerCI = ",lo.aep4," and upperCI = ",hi.aep4)
qF <- qnorm(F)
# simulated are grey, parent is black
counts.nor <- gen.freq.curves(n, para, nsim=nsim,
asprob=TRUE, showparent=TRUE, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.025),
lowerCI=lo.nor, upperCI=hi.nor, FCI=F)
counts.aep4 <- gen.freq.curves(n, para, nsim=nsim,
asprob=TRUE, showparent=TRUE, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.025),
lowerCI=lo.aep4, upperCI=hi.aep4, FCI=F)
lines( c(qF,qF), c(lo.nor, hi.nor), lwd=2, col=2)
points(c(qF,qF), c(lo.nor, hi.nor), pch=1, lwd=2, col=2)
lines( c(qF,qF), c(lo.aep4,hi.aep4), lwd=2, col=2)
points(c(qF,qF), c(lo.aep4,hi.aep4), pch=2, lwd=2, col=2)
percent.nor <- (counts.nor$count.above.upperCI +
counts.nor$count.below.lowerCI) /
percent.aep4 <- (counts.aep4$count.above.upperCI +
counts.aep4$count.below.lowerCI) /
percent.nor <- 100 * percent.nor
percent.aep4 <- 100 * percent.aep4
message("NORMAL ERROR DIST: ",percent.nor)
message(" AEP4 ERROR DIST: ",percent.aep4)
# Continuing on, we are strictly focused on F being equal to 0.99
# Also we are no restricted to the example using the GEV distribution
# The vargev() function is from Handbook of Hydrology
"vargev" <-
function(para, n, F=c("F080", "F090", "F095", "F099", "F998", "F999")) {
F <- as.character(F)
if(! are.pargev.valid(para)) return()
F <- match.arg(F)
A <- para$para[2]
K <- para$para[3]
AS <- list(F080=c(-1.813, 3.017, -1.4010, 0.854),
F090=c(-2.667, 4.491, -2.2070, 1.802),
F095=c(-3.222, 5.732, -2.3670, 2.512),
F098=c(-3.756, 7.185, -2.3140, 4.075),
F099=c(-4.147, 8.216, -0.2033, 4.780),
F998=c(-5.336, 10.711, -1.1930, 5.300),
F999=c(-5.943, 11.815, -0.6300, 6.262))
AS <- as.environment(AS); CO <- get(F, AS)
varx <- A^2 * exp( CO[1] + CO[2]*exp(-K) + CO[3]*K^2 + CO[4]*K^3 ) / n
names(varx) <- NULL
sdx <- sqrt(vargev(para, n, F="F099"))
VAL <- qlmomco(F, para)
lo.vargev <- VAL + qt(0.05, df=n) * sdx # minus covered by return of qt()
hi.vargev <- VAL + qt(0.95, df=n) * sdx
counts.vargev <- gen.freq.curves(n, para, nsim=nsim,
xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(3,15),
asprob=TRUE, showparent=TRUE, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.01),
lowerCI=lo.vargev, upperCI=hi.vargev, FCI=F)
percent.vargev <- (counts.vargev$count.above.upperCI +
counts.vargev$count.below.lowerCI) /
percent.vargev <- 100 * percent.vargev
lines(c(qF,qF), range(c(lo.nor, hi.nor,
lo.aep4, hi.aep4,
lo.vargev,hi.vargev)), col=2)
points(c(qF,qF), c(lo.nor, hi.nor), pch=1, lwd=2, col=2)
points(c(qF,qF), c(lo.aep4, hi.aep4), pch=3, lwd=2, col=2)
points(c(qF,qF), c(lo.vargev,hi.vargev), pch=2, lwd=2, col=2)
message("NORMAL ERROR DIST: ",percent.nor)
message(" AEP4 ERROR DIST: ",percent.aep4)
message("VARGEV ERROR DIST: ",percent.vargev)
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