## Example 1
## Basic usage
# Notes:
# Formula structure z ~ x * y |cond like levelplot.
# Data (and groups) assignment like in standard lattice plots.
# By default z is linked to col and cex.
# Unless overridden by user inputs or group or zcase setting.
# Plot passed via ...Handler functions to provide shortcut plot
# reworking, e.g. here colHandler handles color scales
# using col.region to generate a color range.
# (Here, arguments like "Blues" and c("green", "red") are
# allowed and handled using functions in the RColorBrewer
# package.)
# Formula stuctures:
# ~ x * y like xyplot y ~ x
# ~ x * y | cond like xyplot y ~ x | cond
# z ~ x * y like xyplot y ~ x, col=f(z), cex=f(z)
# z ~ x * y | cond like xyplot y ~ x | cond, col=f(z), cex=f(z)
# z ~ x * y, groups = g like xyplot y ~ x, groups=g, cex=f(z)
# z1 + z2 ~ x * y (zcases)
# etc
## Example 2
## Basic modifications
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp, groups=airquality$Wind>8,
# When groups are applied, by default group id is linked to col.
# The follow example illustrates three options:
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp, groups=airquality$Wind>8,
group.args=c("pch"), pch=c(1,4),
# notes:
# Here, group.args is used to change the default group arguments.
# (So, pch rather than col is used to identify groups.)
# pch is then assigned by group rather than by (x,y) case or z case.
# (See panelPal Help further further details of assignments in loa.)
# col supplied by the user supercedes the default z linkage.
# (So, here cex remains z scales but col is fixed as blue.)
## Example 3
## Key handling
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp, data=airquality,
col.regions=c("green", "red"))
# Key settings are by the key argument (as in lattice)
# or key... arguments via keyHandler and listLoad, so e.g.:
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp, data=airquality,
col.regions=c("green", "red"),
key.fun = draw.loaColorKey)
# Notes:
# By default the loaPlot uses draw.loaPlotZKey to generate
# its color key unless an alternative is supplied via key.fun.
# (Here, the draw.colorKey wrapper draw.loaColorKey is used to
# generate a color bar similar to that in levelplot.)
## Example 4
## panels
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp|Wind>8, data=airquality,
# The combined use of loaPlot, panelPal and appropriately configured
# panel functions provides automatical handling of a range of plot
# elements, e.g.:
loaPlot(Ozone~Solar.R*Temp|Wind>8, data=airquality,
col.regions="Reds", panel=panel.binPlot)
# Notes:
# Here, the choice of default key is set by the panel... function;
# the panel by default bins data by location and for each bin cell
# calculates the mean Ozone concentration just like a standard
# lattice panel would, but it also tracks these values (calculated
# within the panels) and scales panel-to-panel and panel-to-key
# so users do not have to do that retrospectively; and, finally,
# it retains in-panel calculations so users can recover them.
# (See associated helps for further details: ?panelPal about methods;
# and ?panel.binPlot about the panel function.)
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