## data structure of lat.lon.meuse
## Use a subsample of lat.lon.meuse
temp <- lat.lon.meuse[sample(1:155, 15),]
## various loaPlot examples
## using lat.lon.meuse
loaPlot(~longitude*latitude, data=temp)
loaPlot(cadmium~longitude*latitude, data=temp)
loaPlot(cadmium~longitude*latitude, col.regions=c("green", "red"),
loaPlot(cadmium*50+copper*10+lead*2+zinc~longitude*latitude, panel.zcases = TRUE,
col.regions=c("green", "red"),
key.z.main="Concentrations", data=temp)
## (off line) GoogleMap example
## using lat.lon.meuse and roadmap.meuse
GoogleMap(zinc~latitude*longitude, data=temp,
map=roadmap.meuse, col.regions=c("grey", "darkred"))
# Note 1:
# With loaPlot and GoogleMap, note latitude, longitude axes
# assignments:
# loaPlot plots z ~ x * y | cond.
# GoogleMap plots z ~ lat * lon | cond (z ~ y * x | cond)
# Note 2:
# Here, the map argument is supplied so example works off-line.
# If not supplied and R is on-line, GoogleMap will (try to) get map
# from the Google API. Look at:
if (FALSE) {
GoogleMap(zinc~latitude*longitude, data=lat.lon.meuse,
col.regions=c("grey", "darkred"))}
# (The map will appear slightly different, because non-default
# size and maptype settings were used to make roadmap.meuse. See above.)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab