## the combination of panelPal and specially
## structured panel... functions provides
## several additional plot features:
## example 1
## plot management from the panel... functions.
# loaHandler can used to see if a panel is loa-friendly
loaHandler(panel.xyplot) #FALSE
loaHandler(panel.loaPlot) #panel defaults
# note that these include a list called
# default.settings. These are settings that are
# automatically added to the plot call.
# Here this assigns a specialist key to that
# panel. However, the same mechanism can also
# be used to turn off plot elements like the
# standard lattice axes, when using in panel
# alternatives
# first some silly data
a <- rnorm(1000)
b <- rnorm(1000)
# now compare:
# default plot
# note bubble plot style key
# bin plot
# with classic color key
loaPlot(a~a*b, panel = panel.binPlot)
## example 2
## automatic subscripting with loa
# Other arguments are not automatically
# aligned with the main plots.
# For example, consider the data:
a <- 1:10
ref <- rep(1:2, each=5)
# and associated lattice xyplot output:
xyplot(a~a|ref, col=ref, pch=19)
# Here, the 'col' argument does not
# automatically track plot conditioning.
# With lattice plots you need to assign
# arguments you want to track in this
# manner using subscripts, as discussed
# in Lattice Chapter 5.
# Now compare a similar loaPlot:
loaPlot(~a*a|ref, col=ref, pch=19)
# Here, panelPal automatically handles
# such subscripting. It extends this
# assumption to all supplied arguments.
# For example, try
if (FALSE) {
loaPlot(~a*a|ref, col=ref, pch=ref)
loaPlot(~a*a|ref, col=ref, pch=1:10)}
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