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5.1.plot.interactives: Interactive plot functions


Recovering information from existing lattice plots.


getXY(n = -1, ..., unit = "native", scale.correction = NULL)

getLatLon(..., scale.correction = function(x) { temp <- MercatorXY2LatLon(x$x, x$y) as.list(as.data.frame(temp)) })


getXY returns the x and y coordinates of the selected points on a plot as a list containing two components, x and y.

getLatLon returns the latitude and longitude values of the selected points on a map as a list containing two components, lat and lon.



If positive, the maximum number of points to locate. If negative (default), unlimited.


The unit to use when reporting located points, by default "native".


The correction to apply if the plot has locally scaled axes. See Note below.


Additional arguments, passed on to related functions.

These may be subject to revision, but are currently: trellis.focus for panel selection (if working with multi-panel plots) and lpoints to set point properties (if marking selected points). For getLatLon, additional arguments are also passed to XY2LatLon for x, y to latitude, longitude rescaling.


Karl Ropkins


getXY is an interactive function which returns the locations of points on a plot selected using the mouse (left click to select points; right click and stop to end point collection; escape to abort without returning any values).

It is a wrapper for the grid function grid.locator that behaves more like locator, the equivalent function intended for use with plot outputs.

By default getXY selections are not automatically marked. Adding common plot parameters to the function call overrides this behaviour, e.g. to add red symbols and lines.

ans <- getXY(col = "red", pch = 4, type = "b")

getXY also provides a mechanism to handle data plotted on locally scaled axes. See Note below.

getLatLon is wrapper for getXY for use with loaMapPlot and other similarly georeferenced plots. See Note below.


This function makes extensive use of code developed by others.

lattice: Sarkar, Deepayan (2008) Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R. Springer, New York. ISBN 978-0-387-75968-5

RgoogleMaps: Markus Loecher and Sense Networks (2011). RgoogleMaps: Overlays on Google map tiles in R. R package version http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RgoogleMaps

See Also

In other packages: See grid.locator; trellis.focus and lpoints in lattice.