# Here's a simple simulated example.
# A series which is a concatenation of two iid Gaussian series with
# different variances.
x <- c(rnorm(256, sd=1), rnorm(256, sd=2))
# Let's do a test of stationarity
st.test <- hwtos2(x)
#8 7 6 5 4 3
# Ok, that's the computation gone, let's look at the results.
#Class 'tos' : Stationarity Object :
#~~~~ : List with 9 components with names
# nreject rejpval spvals sTS AllTS AllPVal alpha x xSD
#There are 186 hypothesis tests altogether
#There were 4 FDR rejects
#The rejection p-value was 0.0001376564
#Using Bonferroni rejection p-value is 0.0002688172
#And there would be 4 rejections.
#Listing FDR rejects... (thanks Y&Y!)
#P: 5 HWTlev: 0 indices on next line...[1] 1
#P: 6 HWTlev: 0 indices on next line...[1] 1
#P: 7 HWTlev: 0 indices on next line...[1] 1
#P: 8 HWTlev: 0 indices on next line...[1] 1
# In the lines above if there are any rejects then the series is
# deemed to be nonstationary, and note that there were 4 in both
# the lines above (sometimes FDR rejects a few more).
# You can also plot the object and it shows you where it thinks the
# nonstationarities are
if (FALSE) plot(st.test)
# See the help page for the hwtos2 function, where there is an example
# with a stationary series.
# For the localized autocovariance...
# Let's use the function tvar1sim which generates a time-varying AR model
# with AR(1) paramter varying over the extent of the series from 0.9
# to -0.9 (that is, near the start of the series it behaves like an
# AR(1) with parameter 0.9, and near the end like an AR(1) with parameter
# -0.9, and in between the parameter is somewhere between 0.9 and -0.9
# figured linearly between the two.
x <- tvar1sim()
# Plot it, so you know what the series looks like, should always do this.
if (FALSE) ts.plot(x)
# Now, let's compute the localized autocovariance and also confidence intervals
# For the variance, let's look at the first 20 lags
# Do it at t=50 and t=450, ie what is the localized autocovariance at these
# two times.
x.lacf.50 <- Rvarlacf(x=x, nz=50, var.lag.max=20)
x.lacf.450 <- Rvarlacf(x=x, nz=450, var.lag.max=20)
# Now plot the answers, you may want to do this on two different plots
# so that you can compare the answers
if (FALSE) plot(x.lacf.50, plotcor=FALSE, type="acf")
if (FALSE) plot(x.lacf.450, plotcor=FALSE, type="acf")
# Note that the plotcor argument is set so covariances and not correlations
# are plotted. Also, the type is set to "acf" to make the plot *look* like
# the regular acf plot. But DON'T be fooled, it is not the regular acf
# that is plotted, but a time localized plot. The two plots should look
# very different, both like AR(1) but with different parameters (from the
# same time series).
# You could also plot the regular acf and see how it gets it wrong!
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